My New 55G Angel Tank

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 9, 2010
Finally got my tank up and running again.
Converted from an African Cichlid tank...

I have
10 Neon Tetras
5 Rummynoses
1 Black Veil Angel
1 White Pearly Angel
1 Black Marble

I'm somewhat worried that the Angels might go after the Neons, but the Angels are really small, so maybe they'll just get used to them I hope.

I want to add more plants in the future, and more fish I guess.

Any suggestions on good fish that would work with this group?
Maybe another small school or a Gourami or 2?








Nice looking setup!

You might want to watch out after the angels grow out and possibly pair up.

Whichever two hookup (if they do) might pick on the third one.

Some folks have good luck with young angels growing up to leave the more peaceful tetras alone, but oftentimes, they become fairly aggressive as they age and grow in size.

If they are fed a high quality diet, angels will grow very quickly, like, up to six inches in body size, not counting their fins.

I'd let the Angels grow out before adding more fish, but if you are impatient, you could add to your school of rummynose, to help them out if the angels get mean.

Just my two cents and hard learned experience :)
Nice! Your Angels are gorgeous!

I would definitely add to the Rummynose school. They are tight schoolers and really good looking when you have a big enough group. I would get atleast 5 more...maybe 7 more if you like. Then you could still have another school later IMO of something smallish.

Do you have any bottom feeder plans? I would get a group of Cories as well.
I asked the guy about getting some kind of Catfish or bottom-feeder and he said they'd probably go after the Neons.
It didn't sound right, but I'm more knowledgeable with Saltwater, so I was like "OK..."

I know about the pairing. I'm hoping that by that time I've got even more plants and maybe another small piece of wood or something, and there's more coverage for the other to hide.
Would a Red-Tail Shark work?
Or too big, too aggressive
Would a Red-Tail Shark work?
Or too big, too aggressive

Definately both. Most large catfish are downright mean towards other fish, espcially smaller, peaceful fish.

You must be looking for something somewhat big and colorful...
Definately both. Most large catfish are downright mean towards other fish, espcially smaller, peaceful fish.

You must be looking for something somewhat big and colorful...

More along the color side.
The Rumys and Neons are cool, but they're tiny and mostly silver you know.

Maybe like a Pearl or Blue Gourami?
I've heard of that combo working, sometimes not.

Never tried it myself.

You might try a school of six harlequin rasboras for color. If the angels leave the tetras alone, they'll probably leave them alone too.
The temperament of both gouramis and angels can be hit or mudraker said, the combo may work, other times it may not.

I recently introduced some young angels to my 50 gal long. I have a school of black neons, a school of black skirt tetra, a school of Pristella tetra, as well as a fully grown Blue three spot gourami. So far the gourami and the angels are getting along perfectly though I am sure that could change as the angels mature.
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The temperament of both gouramis and angels can be hit or mudraker said, the combo may work, other times it may not.

I recently introduced some young angels to my 50 gal long. I have a school of black neons, a school of black skirt tetra, a school of Pristella tetra, as well as a fully grown Blue three spot gourami. So far the gourami and the angels are getting along perfectly though I am sure that could change as the angels mature.
The Angel I had slowly ate all my neon tetras but left the rummy noses alone. They are definitly individuals though with big personalaty shifts. I have an African bush fish that I would like to put an Angel with but I'm scared to try it.
The Angel I had slowly ate all my neon tetras but left the rummy noses alone. They are definitly individuals though with big personalaty shifts. I have an African bush fish that I would like to put an Angel with but I'm scared to try it.

I am definitely prepared to some shifting of tank mates if/when I have to in the future.
I have pearl gouramis and angels together, I have kept them with neons, rummys and harlequins. The neons did mysteriously disappear. Why not just get corys for the bottom>
good luck! I have tried my hands at angels a few times but they're too delicate for me! They always got along with my rummynoses though.
I went out today to buy some Cories, but the one store didn't have any, and the other just had these grey looking ones.

I didn't really like them, so I bought 5 Gold Algae Eaters.
They seemed more lively.

I also grabbed 2 Red Velvet Swordtails, which the guy said would be fine, so we'll see.
They've added some color, and seem to be getting along with everything.
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