My New Discus Planted Tank - What do you think ?

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Toirtis.. I see that your posting about the highest scientifically recorded size of multiple fish lately, I just checked out your post on the pacu profile... are you getting this information online or do you have a reference manual of some sort? It would be a nice tool for estimating stocking levels.. if you dont mind..
A few books that I have, plus some online info from universities (but available only at a subscription via a university), and, oddly enough, some angling records... but is pretty correct most of the time, so it is about the best general online ref for most folk.
by the way I got two inches for a cardinal tetra from Drs. Foster and Smith's I dont know why they listed it as getting two inches if it doesnt.. guess you just cant trust a site that sells them.. still.. there vets for grief sake.. you would think they would try to be more accurate.. Ill bookmark for future references when trying to help people out.. I dont like having off information.. :x :oops: :x
greenmagi said:
...from Drs. Foster and Smith's I dont know why they listed it as getting two inches if it doesnt.. .. there vets for grief sake.. you would think they would try to be more accurate..

I doubt that they have anything more to do with that site than their names, and even if they did, they are vets, likely companion animal vets, not ichthyologists...hardly their bailiwick, so its understandable.
Toirtis makes an excellent point about the bristle nose plecos africamonk. They are very safe to keep with discus. Some other pleco species will find the slime coat and shape of a discus appealing and might damage them.

As for the number of fish in your tank.... IMO what could be done and what should be done are entirely different. Since this is your first planted discus tank and you've really no hands on experience with either, less is best. Six adult discus are enough to have a peaceful pecking order and will be a spectacular front fish for your size tank.

Even the most experienced discus keeper does battle with some of the more common discus diseases. The less discus you have, the less likely you are to experience these problems. Believe me. You don't want to be medicating fish in a planted tank of that size :roll: .

I have no problem with 20 cardinals, 12 cories, 2 plecos and 6 discus in your tank. My planted 125 has the following: 20 black neons (my cycle fish), 3 clown loaches, 6 dwarf albino BN plecos, 6 dwarf cichlids, and 5 adult discus.

Stock your tank slowly. The discus should be added last and I would wait 2-3 months to do that (I waited 6 months). Since we both live in NY I'm curious where you're going to purchase your discus?
the plants arrived today for .... setting them up in a bit .... will def take pics when done ....

plants :

1 x Sagittariasubulata
2 x VesiculariaDubyana
2 x Microsoriumpteropus
2 x Echinodorusbleheri
1 x Vallisneriaasiatica
2 x Anubiasbarteriv.‘Coffeefolia’
1 x Zephyranthescandida
1 x HygroCorombosa
3 x Hygrophilapolysperma
2 x Nymphaeazenkeri

as for the fish, 6 discus, 2 bristle nose, 12 corys and 18 cardinals ..... then time to make room for another tank :mrgreen: :mrgreen: bristle nose and corys first .... then cardinals ... then discus ?

for the fish i've been thinking of a few places .....

any suggestions?
africamonk said:
the plants arrived today for .... setting them up in a bit .... will def take pics when done ....

plants :

1 x Sagittariasubulata
2 x VesiculariaDubyana
2 x Microsoriumpteropus
2 x Echinodorusbleheri
1 x Vallisneriaasiatica
2 x Anubiasbarteriv.‘Coffeefolia’
1 x Zephyranthescandida
1 x HygroCorombosa
3 x Hygrophilapolysperma
2 x Nymphaeazenkeri

Nice choices....I am personally particular to the Anubias and Nymphaea, but then, for some reason, I seem to prefer African species.

as for the fish, 6 discus, 2 bristle nose, 12 corys and 18 cardinals

That will make for a very nice tank.

bristle nose and corys first .... then cardinals ... then discus ?

Good plan.

for the fish i've been thinking of a few places .....

This chap has an impeccable rep for quality service and top-quality fish.
Congrats on the plants africamonk. :D

I've no experience with any of the 3 places you listed for your discus purchase. FishExpo is local though. IMO, you're better off being able to observe and select the discus before buying. In addition you'll save the next day airfreight. That's a big plus in itself. :wink:
fishexpo is local to me and carrys jack wattley discus .... but seems like their prices are pretty damn high .... and i only see prices for juvis ..... i can't start to imagine what they looking to charge for 5 inchers ..... prices from discus-hans seem pretty decent from them ..... the guy hooking me up with that place seems pretty nice from another forum .... but wants me to prepay for them .... which i feel uneasy of doing ..... i never prepay for anything and have to wait for it .... esp over the net ..... the thread can be read here

well, guess its down to discus hans or fishexpo ... mostly i'm leaning towards discus hans, either from the guy on the forums or one of their direct distributors .... since their prices for the 5 inchers are pretty decent .....
unless anyone can direct me in the right directrion ......

as for the cories .... any other species adaptable to the warmer water of the discus tank ? as my gf wants almost every single one she sees ..... she thinks they are so cute ..... well at least thats my chance of a second tank !!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I seem to prefer African species.
:mrgreen: 0X :mrgreen:

no pics yet of the plants, since i've gotten the water foggy again from moving the substrate ...... pics will be up tonight ... :mrgreen:
that would be good, since we do like cories and want many kinds in the tank .... :mrgreen: maybe a cory tank will be next !
What do you mean by prepay africamonk? Hans should just accept your credit card as payment. When considering the cost of the fish, you really need to factor in the shipping.
the link to the other forum .... this guys says he can get the 5 inchers for me for cheaper ...... but wants me to prepay for them, once he has enough to get a full order, then he'll order them ..... thats how he gets the discount from hans ..... guess he just does it on the side, and does not bring the fish over on a regular .......
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