!!my platy's lips turned white!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 7, 2004
san francisco
my poor platies! I started with six, two died, one disappeared.. of the three remaining, two look fine and the other one seems to be going downhill the way the others did. the others started to become listless, stopped eating and died within 24 hours. this one (his name is herman :p ) has been moping near the bottom of the tank since this morning and the weirdest thing is that hi lips are white! he's a little orange platy and his lips were NOT white when I went to bed last night! I tested the ammonia and it was .25, so I did a 30% water change (all the other stuff was fine, kh, gh, ph etc and I've switched to a dechlorinator that only removes chlorine and chloramine). yetserday I put about 3 tablespoons of aquarium salt in the tank... is there anything else I can do to help my poor fishes get through cycling? herman is my favorite :cry:
Twice daily 30% water changes will help keep ammonia and nitrite spikes lower, but cycling a tank with fish is very harsh on most species of fish, so this is not unexpected.
Sounds like a continuing problem from your first post. At this point you've just got to be patient and continue your maintenance regimen and testing. Cannot guarantee that they will survive.
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