My remodeled 10 gallon tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 5, 2003
My 10 gallon tank has been empty for a year! Just cleaned it out and replaced the filter, the lid, plants, and ornament.

Not sure about the ornament placement and breeding grass.. so any suggestions are welcome! (I'm not even sure if I'll keep the ornament or change it because I read a review that said that the paint on it fades quicktly - although I'm wondering if the reviewer had sunglight hitting his ornament.

I still need to add some fish too. I liked those little puffer fish but the guy at the pet store said they are very aggressive :cry:
About how many fish do you guys think I could get in there? Any suggestions?


Thanks for looking! :)
It looks pretty for the fish, do you have anything in mind on what to get?...I think a nice school of 6 cardinal tetras would look good with a dwarf gourami......oh and welcome to AA!!
Cool looking tank! I am certainly not qualifies to give advice at this point but would just like to tell you how beautiful your 10 g set up is. I love the ornament, the gravel, plants, placement, everything. Are those real plants?

Nice job! I think one of those little dwarf puffers would be cute in there!
yeah puffers can be semi-aggressive, not to mention they are a brackish fish and wouldnt do well in the normal community set-up
Thanks for the comments! Unfortunately the plants aren't real at this point. I was afraid of getting real plants because a few years ago a fish that I bough chewed up my plants - big mess! 8O I'm also afraid to leave the light on because my house is already hot and I think it'll make the water even hotter :(
depending on what puffer you want you can find one's that aren't as aggressive as others. Plus for that tank you would want to go with dwarf puffer fish.

freshwater as well, so no worries about the brackish upkeep.
The tank looks good, and that ornament looks huge in the 10 gallon! :) As for suggestions, I would go with one type of free swimmer and one type of cleaner.

Free swimmers:
Endler's livebearers
threadfin rainbows
ghost fish
small danios
small tetras
dwarf gouramis

cherry red shrimp
apple snail
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