My Tank Help! ^^

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 20, 2012
I am starting this thread in hopes of helping people acclimate their tank! I have also recently acquire much knowledge on livebearers(partly from this place), and I know my way around bottom feeders and algae eaters! Go ahead and ask me a question!!! ^^
I'm wondering why I seem to be the only one who doesn't change my water regularly. It's not that I'm lazy or anything, it's just that I made my tank to be nearly self-sufficient. I have plants (they produce oxygen in the water) I have a Cory bottom feeder (keeps any extra food from sitting too long, keeping the water clean) and I have a pleco (keeps algae from over-growing, and anything he can't reach is beneficial and acts as a place for beneficial bacteria to grow) so basically, all I need to do is refill the tank on occasion from evaporation and feed my fish. They're all healthy and thriving, and the last death I had was a parasite transferred from petco (which, I might add, killed my favorite guppy ) does anyone see anything wrong with my setup? I certainly hope not, my female guppy is expecting! (fry that is ^^)
alia258 said:
I'm wondering why I seem to be the only one who doesn't change my water regularly. It's not that I'm lazy or anything, it's just that I made my tank to be nearly self-sufficient. I have plants (they produce oxygen in the water) I have a Cory bottom feeder (keeps any extra food from sitting too long, keeping the water clean) and I have a pleco (keeps algae from over-growing, and anything he can't reach is beneficial and acts as a place for beneficial bacteria to grow) so basically, all I need to do is refill the tank on occasion from evaporation and feed my fish. They're all healthy and thriving, and the last death I had was a parasite transferred from petco (which, I might add, killed my favorite guppy ) does anyone see anything wrong with my setup? I certainly hope not, my female guppy is expecting! (fry that is ^^)

How large is your tank ?
Common Plecos get massive and keeping him in a small tank will stunt him and sorry to say shorten his lifespan. They get up to 24" long. At least a foot for most. They can live over 20 years with proper care. I'm glad he's doing fine for now.

Get in the habit of water changes. Plecos are poop machines and your water quality will start going down.

Cories prefer to live in schools and need very clean substrate or their barbels ( whiskers ) can get infected and rot off. Another reason to keep your tank clean.

You need to FEED your bottom fish please. Veggies and or algae wafers for the Pleco or he'll starve once he eats all the algae. They also need a piece of wood. Driftwood or Cholla works. They like a cave.

Corydoras I feed sinking Shrimp Pellets, frozen bloodworms and other sinking meat based food.

I also feed the new Gel Rapashy diets. Mine love them.

My tanks are heavily planted. I still do weekly PWCs.

If your tank is a 10g consider Otos ( can be sensitive Or a Nerite Snail for algae control. Better sizes for small tanks.

I use sand in my tanks and use Malaysian Trumpet Snails to keep things clean and keep sand from compacting. See my pics on my profile page.

I'm sorry to point out things that I believe are wrong, but you asked for input.

Enjoy your fish, consider rehoming your Pleco.
Dont worry about being a critic! I asked for help, and you did! I do feed both of my bottom feeders! The pleco eats an algae wafer every day and the cory gets the extra big foods. My pleco will have a 20g one day (maybe bigger) if my mom will allow it! My cory is a solitary one, it's his attitude, he was in the corner at the petco, I don't know why he's acts so solitary, but I'd I get a bigger tank I will try to introduce him to some friends. You see, my tank won't fit any more decorations or fish. And I hate to be rude, but I'm agenst owning snails, they're icky and fin to play with at the beach, but they aren't the cleanest. I pray that I can find a bigger tank! I hate to be a bother, but could you maybe help me find a cheaper one (possibly free)? I'm only fifteen, but fish are my passion, and will forever be! But seriously, I would love a bigger tank! ^^ help is appreciated!!!

Oh, and a pic of my current tank:

View attachment 78493

Quick decoration info:
-the 2 plants to the left are my live plants (I picked them specifically for nitrate/nitrite control and because guppies like to rest on them, and gravel can hurt their fins)
-the gravel is actually a mix of blue, pastel multi color, and red
-there are glass beads mixed with the gravel (got them at the 99¢ store, boiled them before putting them in)
-the big row of columns and two separate pillars are mostly decoration (my pleco loves the algae that grows on it)
-the plant on the right front is fake and the Cory hangs underneath it
-the other fake plant is in the back right and I put it around the sucker thing so it'll look a little more natural
-you can probly see my heater, serbs the purpose of keeping temp. at 78°

My tank is established/balanced and the fish are all nicely acclimated to the tank, I've had it for a year and a half in this condition (plus the four months of learning how to do things and going through some guppies in the process, I feel bad bout that part :( )
You know, it's funny that I ended up needing help! I still know how to balance a tank and keep fish healthy (apparently in not so healthy water) which is a good thing. I plan on leaving tomorrow, and my fish will go two whole days without food or water (this will clean out their systems, and other people have done it just for the fact of cleaning out the fishs systems) my female guppy is pregnant, and she might be under stress, so I'll add extra water and some stress coat+. I will also feed the fish a little more than necessary. I will put freeze dried blood worms in there (more than will be eaten) because they'll float around and slowly be eaten over the next few days without making the water bad (I found this out on accident actually). Any problems with my plan?
I would see if you have a local Aquarium Club or Petco has $1/gallon sales or check Craigslist.

But to be realistic a Common Pleco needs a pond or 100 gallon or larger tank. They grow fast when they are allowed to.

Im glad you have live plants. I'm happy things have been stable. Watch out when you get fry, too many babies can crash your tank.

I gotta run, my Corydoras habrosus are trying to breed !!
I can't fit a hundred gallon into my room, 30g would be my limit. I think I'll post a thread to see if anyone can help me with finding a nice tank! But, I don't want my pleco to be unhappy, will he become unhealthy if I leave him in the 20/30 size tank? I don't want him to get sick, but if the only problem is stunted growth, and he can live a healthy life, I would be delighted to hear that he can stay with me! ^^
alia258 said:
I can't fit a hundred gallon into my room, 30g would be my limit. I think I'll post a thread to see if anyone can help me with finding a nice tank! But, I don't want my pleco to be unhappy, will he become unhealthy if I leave him in the 20/30 size tank? I don't want him to get sick, but if the only problem is stunted growth, and he can live a healthy life, I would be delighted to hear that he can stay with me! ^^

When fish become stunted their bodies slow/stop growing but their organs don't..very uncomfortable and painful.. Resulting in a shorter life span and the fish not reaching their potential..

I want a pleco too, but I don't have a tank big enough... :-(
Well, maybe I'll post a thread on who wants my pleco when he gets too big too, but that won't be for a long time ^^
alia258 said:
I'm wondering why I seem to be the only one who doesn't change my water regularly. It's not that I'm lazy or anything, it's just that I made my tank to be nearly self-sufficient. I have plants (they produce oxygen in the water) I have a Cory bottom feeder (keeps any extra food from sitting too long, keeping the water clean) and I have a pleco (keeps algae from over-growing, and anything he can't reach is beneficial and acts as a place for beneficial bacteria to grow) so basically, all I need to do is refill the tank on occasion from evaporation and feed my fish. They're all healthy and thriving, and the last death I had was a parasite transferred from petco (which, I might add, killed my favorite guppy ) does anyone see anything wrong with my setup? I certainly hope not, my female guppy is expecting! (fry that is ^^)

I remember this same exact post from somewhere but I can't remember where lol! Was this posted somewhere else too?
George, I did post it elsewhere, but I wanted to start a thread with it in hopes of getting more opinions. I didn't mean to confuse you! Sorry! ^^
alia258 said:
George, I did post it elsewhere, but I wanted to start a thread with it in hopes of getting more opinions. I didn't mean to confuse you! Sorry! ^^

Thats ok lol I'm not picking on you! I just saw it and I'm like "hmm, where have I seen this?"

But I'm glad you're going to start doing water changes :)
Oh yes! Nobody ever told me that my tank wouldn't work like this before, not even the petco lady! I am so glad you guys told me!!!
Aside from removing toxins, water changes also serve the purpose of replenishing vital minerals and buffers in the tank water. Your fish and plants use these and new war must be added to get more. Otherwise you will be looking at a big ph crash when you don't have any more buffers. No tank is entirely self sufficient. As for the tank size, maybe through taking good care of the tank in your room you can convince your mom to let you set up a larger tank maybe in the living room or something. Like a 55 gallon tank. They really do add a lot to a room. Parents like seeing their children being responsible and doing what they have promised to do.
I plan on a 30-40 gallon tank to be in my room
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