my whole tank stopped eating

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 30, 2012
cecil county md
I have a 75 gallon tank with 2 4 inch oscars a 3 inch jack depsey 3 inch green terror 2 pink kissing fish and 3 little see thru tetras... everything was fine had them for bout 4 months evertime i put in food they would eat then one day i went to feed tgem and nuthing they didnt even nibble at it none of them i checked my water and nitrates were a little high so i started cleaning my tank and doing a big water change .... And i found a dead feeder fish that had not been eatin or nibbled or anything but the rosy red minnow had 4 little bumbs on its head looked like a bb stuck under its skin along with red looked like blood under his skin right on top of its head thinking maybe it gave my fish a parasite...sorry for my long post im not an enlish major lol but anyone have any ideas its been about 2 days sence and they wnt eat and just dont look happy and healthy like thwy usually do any help would be greatly apreciated
Now my terror is smimming iratickly upside down and looks like hes not gonna make it what do i do i do not want to lose my fish
Yes i was thinking that but i dont know what it could be i cant just treat them for evetything
If it was a parasitic infection there would be visual symptoms like Stringy white feces, spitting food, reclusive behavior, flashing(rubbing on decor), or shimmying.

A bacterial infection would show lesions, fin rot, and other visual symptoms.

Do you see any of these?
They arent eating and reclusive behavior would fit but i do not see anything on them but does it seems like my dempsey is gettin darker
Not interested and my terrow was swimming all crazy upside down sideways now hes better but still looks like its struggling to just swim im all upset idk what do ive had 3 tanks for about 7 months and ive been very goid about keeping up with them i have become pretty informed about the upkeep and have never had a fish die
It would seem some here are not sure. I would take a water sample to your nearest indie fish store, give a list of symptoms... Check and see... Good luck.
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