Myrio help

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 9, 2013
So I recently got some Myrio...I tried it once before and all the leafy bits turned brown and fell off. Now the same thing is happening again! I have new lighting so I thought that might help...20 gallon, 2 23 W CFE 6500K bulbs for 6 hours (turned up to 8 today), dosed twice weekly with a liquid plant fert and daily with about 2-4 ml liquid CO2.

Any suggestions?
Check your liquid fert and make sure it has the macro(nitrogen, potassium & phosphorus) as well as the micro ferts in it. A lot of liquid ferts don't have all the ferts in one. I had trouble with Myrio also. I tried a similar fine leaved plant and it did much better and wasn't as messy. It is called Ambulia (Limnophilia sassiliflora). It did much better in my medium light level. Hope this helps, OS.
Wow, my fertilizer has none of those. That's awful. Thanks! Hopefully that helps...
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