Mystery Eggs, literally

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 13, 2005
Aberdeen, WA
The picture shows a very small cluster of "eggs" that has appeared for the second time in my 10 gallon platy tank.

The eggs are in 4 rows and of an orangish color. There is about 26 eggs and they are very transparent. The ones that I saw the first time dissappeared within hours but they were exactly the same. They do look jelatenous, kinda but they are very symetrically laid and no "gooyee" stuff is around them that I can tell.

I have 2 platies, 6 dwarf african frogs, 3 ramshorn snails and java moss in the tank. I have ramshorn eggs and they don't look anything like any eggs I have seen before. And a male betta.

Could they be from the frogs or are they from something else?
No I am not sure at all. I know 2 of the three ramshorn are giant ramshorn because they mate every other day and they lay the big clusters. I do have a much smaller one in the tank that is less than an inch that is "supposed" to be the same species. I have seen it at least look like it was mating with the larger ones but maybe not. Is there any specific way to tell the difference between the two?

The two larger ones have the stripes or whitewalls that I have seen on all the pictures of the Giant Ramshorn. The smaller one is completely dark red/brown. But I have read that their colors are not effective in identifying them.

If you have any idea, throw them at me. Hopefully I will catch them. :wink:

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