Mystery Snail Eggs

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The raft is plastic craft canvas siliconed to strips of styrofoam. You could silicone on some suction cups to keep it in place and use it in tank. This wasn't a clutch laid here and I didn't want the babies in my main tank yet so I floated it in a plastic tupperware type container. I set that on my light strip for warmth. The clutches need to stay in a very humid environment, but not sitting IN water or they will rot. It worked great for me. Hatch time was about 13 days at about 75*. I stopped counting babies when I got over 100 LOL!

Some people use new soap dishes with suction cups in the tank and others leave them where they are laid. I'm a complete control freak though so I will probably do most of my hatching in a hatchery where I can move the babies to a small grow out tank and then to a larger rubbermaid tote for growing to selling/rehoming size.

ohh thats kinda ugly... compared to other snail eggs anyways

Yeah, they are pretty icky looking. Hubby thought I was floating cat poo. He also thought I was a certifiable weirdo for it. He was quite relieved when I told him it was snail eggs :D
My snail is on a roll ! Today I found another cluster of eggs - on the side of the HOB filter - way outside the tank ! I have no idea how long its been there - its not a place I "study" often LOL. These eggs seemed whiter but drier. I put them on the raft but they may have desiccated too much - guess time will tell.
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