Name that fish :=) 5/28/02- 6/04/02

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Aquarium Advice Addict
May 16, 2002
Cedar Key, FL
How well do you know your fish? I am toying with an idea of starting a trivia type thing once a week. This will be the test. I will do it in poll format, to give you some choices. The common name of the fish will not be provided, the answers will be scientific names. With out further ado; name this fish.

The correct identification is.......

The fish featured in the picture is Cirrahilibrus lineatus. I was thinking it would be nice to give some background on the fish, when I realized I didn't have much accept to say, they are a fairy wrasse, they are reef safe. When first placed in the tank they are prone to parasitic infestation, so quarantine is a must. Fairy wrasses are a harem fish, the one in the pic is a very good pic of a supermale, in your aquarium this fish would slowly change to female if not surrounded by 1-2 females. They are fairly hardy, take to prepared foods readily, but are very skittish and it is not uncommon for one to go carpet surfing. This fish is very active once acclimated to the tank, but don't expect to see it at all for the first couple of weeks in the tank. All in all a beautiful addition to any reef tank.
Kevin, now that the mystery fish has been identified are you going to do this again? If so do you want to keep the old polls listed or do you just want to edit the same post for each time?

I look forward to the next one.
I think we should have 2 posts, the old one can be left up for a week, for everyone to see the ID and any info I can come up with on the fish, and then it can be edited for the new one. Kinda like the crossword in the news paper, the new puzzle is there with yesterdays answers.

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