need help identifying pleco

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 12, 2004

my lfs has a new pleco. its approx. 1.5 inches long and looks like the number 8 turned upside down with a normal pleco tail. it is very flat and almost looks like a halibut or flounder with a pleco tail. its tan in color and seems to love the algae. they are labeled as a butterfly pleco at the lfs, but in my research i've come to find that it is not a butterfly pleco. i then went to another local lfs and saw the same fish, this time labeled a flounder pleco. oce again, not the right label.

they don't appear to need any specific care as the ones i've seen have survived at the lfs on flake leftovers and algae wafers for a solid week now. i'd like to add one to my 20gl planted but won't until i get the proper name and info on them.

btw, i've looked them up on and haven't found a match yet...
You described exactly how they look, plus it is a common problem. People search all over pleco forums and come up empty since it is a loach.
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