Need help stocking a 55 gallon

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 19, 2013
I just got my 55 gallon mbuna tank cycled. I just did my ammonia to check make sure everything goes to 0. No my question is what would be a good stocking list I want to keep 3 species at a 1-4 or 1-5 ratio. My girlfriend likes the Melanochromis auratus are the on the less aggressive side or more I like the yellow labs cobalt blues I also like the red zebras. but don't want to have cross breeding.
So my question what would a good stocking list be for first time cichlid keeper.
In my opinion the Auratus would be more aggressive than the latter of those listed.
Go for yellow labodochromis and some acei if you don't want too aggressive but nice looking fish.
Could I do Pseudotropheus demasoni, yellow labs if so what would be a good 3rd one to keep with them. Can I do the 1m 4f the the demasoni and yellow labs
Dems due to extremely high conspecific aggression need to be kept with numbers over 11, correct male to female ratios aren't required with them. Then I'd the 5-6 labodochromis(1m to 4f) to get that classic yellow and blue mbuna look.
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