Need help with fish disease.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 16, 2003
Caguas, PR

I have one true percula and one maroon golden stripe. The percula has one eye clouded and the maroon has some discoloration around the edges of the fins and some bumps ontop of the head.

How can I treat them if there is any.

I also have in my tank(46gal) a brittle star a blood shrimp an emerald
crab and some turbo snails.

Should I remove the fishes to another tank or should I remove the inverts?

What about the disease(s) coming back in the tank or living on the sand or rocks and re-infect the fishes?

Thank you.
The percula has one eye clouded and the maroon has some discoloration around the edges of the fins and some bumps ontop of the head.

Are there any other symptoms? The ragged fins and bumps and the clouded eye, could be caused by physical injury (are they fighting?) Or could be the precursor to an infection.

Should I remove the fishes to another tank or should I remove the inverts?

IMO, it is best to remove the fish to a hospital/quarantine tank. If they were mine, the first thing I would do is separate them. Put some type of opaque barrier between them and give them a day or so and see if the worsen or begin to recover.

What about the disease(s) coming back in the tank or living on the sand or rocks and re-infect the fishes?

Most healthy fish have the ability to resist common infections, the infections only gain a foothold when the fish is under stress. First order of business is to determine what is stressing the fish...
Are they fighting?
What are your water parameters?
What is the temp?
Specific gravity?
Are there any new additions to the tank?

Thank you for your prompt reply.

No, they are not fighting.

I will give you a bit later the water parameters, etc. since I have it scheduled for today.

Thank you.

The water parameters are as follow:

Temp: 79.7°F
PH: 8.4
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
SG: 1.023
I don't really see anything wrong with the parameters, right now, I would seperate them, and give them a little time. Keep us posted if anything changes. If it's possible, could you post a pic?
I'll see what I can do about the pic since I don't have a digital camera. I'll see if I can borrow one.

I was taking a closer look at the fishes and the true percula appears to have pop eye on one of its eyes and the maroon's dorsal fin looked discolored in the middle.

Thank you.
I would start treating the fish with penicillin, it is the best antibiotic for eyes, and if the maroon is suffering from fin rot it will clear that up as well. I would still like to see a pic, if possible.
Thank you again.

Does the LFS sell the penicillin as penicillin or is there a particular brand name?

Thank you.
Since I don't have a digital camera, here is a really bad drawing of the fish. :D

Hope this gives you an idea as to what I'm looking at on my maroon.

Today I noticed my percula with lots of dots, probably ich.

And yes I mispelled maroon, again. :p
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