Need help with ideas for tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 28, 2016
I current have about a 75 or 80 gallon tank. Not exactky sure. I have a few cichlids in it woth some hiding peices. Im looking to change the tank around and add some plants.

First is what plants would anyone recommend for it and what is the best way to keep them anchored down. Ive had bad luck with them floating in past.

Any help or ideas are greatly appreciated
I have anubias and Java fern attached to driftwood. These are both low light plants that are easy to grow.
I current have about a 75 or 80 gallon tank. Not exactky sure. I have a few cichlids in it woth some hiding peices. Im looking to change the tank around and add some plants.

First is what plants would anyone recommend for it and what is the best way to keep them anchored down. Ive had bad luck with them floating in past.

Any help or ideas are greatly appreciated

Good question - I like ideas for easy to grow plants :)

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Go to Home Depot and purchase plastic covered wire in the garden section that is used to tie vegetable plants to stakes. This worked the best for me long term.

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I use these. Or fishing line to attach plants to wood or rock. ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1469886594.646146.jpg
Or if it is a large surface hairnets are amazing.
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