Need information about cichlids!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 13, 2014
hi, i am a newb when it comes to cichlids but what i want to know is what kind is suitable for how big of a tank

Example :

Dwarf cichlids - 20 gallon mininum

Mbunas - 50 gallon mininum

Those are just guesses please i need this information and i know there are many kinds so please take your time ,much appreciate this !:)

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It depends how much gallonage you have. 55 is minimum but as long as its a 4 foot bottom its fine (I think). So a 40 breeder is doable I believe. Now you need quite a bit of filtration because you need to overstock to keep aggression down. If you want an all male tank for peacocks and haps only one male per species. So if you want a dragon blood, only one dragon blood. If you want to breed one male for every 3-4 females. Depending on the species you might want more than that for females (mixing species and males and females WILL cause mixed breeding which is usually frowned upon). The male to female ratio is just a base guideline you might need more depending on the species. Mbunas you need floor space which is the bottom of the tank. The more floor space the more mbunas you can have. Again 1 male to 3-4 females depending on the species. Research which species are more aggressive like aurastus, kenyi, and bumblebees vs. Less aggressive like acei etc. You MUST have a 4 foot tank for mbuna IMO. Theres a lot more to this hobby than this. I didnt talk about filtration, substrate, rockscaping, ph, etc. I also only TOUCHED on lake malawi. You also have lake tang. And lake victoria. Also there are south american cichlids that you could keep. Those fully grown usually get really big and need atleast a 125 unless your keeping just one fish. Again just scratching the surface of cichlids. Just a general overview. RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH!!!! It SOOO MUCH in the long run

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