Need some help please

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 6, 2005
Madison, WI
I was out of the country for about 3 months, and had a friend looking after my place, including my fish. I had given away my good fish so they wouldn't die, but I kept a few damsels and a blenny in the tank to keep some life in there. Well, I don't think my friend did a very good job, as the tank looks pretty dirty. None of the fish I left died, so that's definitely good. However, there is a lot of algae buildup on my crushed coral, and I do mean a lot. There is also quite a bit on my live rock. What can I do to clean up the crushed coral? Should I try to get the live rock clean too, or leave the algae on it? It also looks like the tank walls were never cleaned off, so does anyone have a suggestion to clean that off - there looks to be some build up on that as well. Thanks!
What color / type is it? If its red slime cyano from over feeding etc... it can just be siphoned or vac-ed off the substrate and even off the LR... I'd test your water and do some water changes etc... clean your glass up good and even add a nice size clean up crew too :) Glad your fish made it :)

I had my husbands cousin 'watch our tank and well, I didn't have timers, we were gone 4 or 5 days and he never came ONCE... my lights were on 24/7 and I had a huge neon green tank.. my fish made it too... I was shocked, as I couldn't even see thorugh my tank when I walked it.

Welcome back BTW :)
Thanks, and thanks for the advice! Its a green algae. Some of it is just "normal" green algae and some of it almost looks like what you'd see on a penny or copper outside. I'm hoping I can just siphon it off b/c I'd hate to go through the hastle of replacing some of it in my tank...
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