neon mouth rot?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 9, 2009
imgur | underdog5004's Uploaded Images

Go there to see the pictures of my neons. I think that a couple of them mouth rot; their mouths are misshapen. I've been rather irresponsible lately, last water change was a month and a half ago. I've just done a massive water change. Anyway, if anyone wants to look at my beautiful neons, please do, and let me know what you all think.

Thank you!
Sorry, they're there.. my computer was the problem!
They do look normal from the pictures..maybe if you could get a head-on shot?
Neons are notorious for having little quality or care put into breeding and many die cause of disease and infections in the fish store, and fishkeepers end up getting neons with odd deformities :(
Not really, my camera has a hard time shooting the aquarium, and the neons move really quickly. I'll just keep an eye on it, and if it looks bad, treat for rot

Thanks for your time!
you could always try some melafix and/or pimafix. I just battled columnaris (might wanna google that and see if it may be similar symptoms) and dosing both melafix and pimafix, along with adding some salt and lowering the temp has my fish looking 100 times better. just a thought
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