Neon Tetra with Mollies? Shrimp? too

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 22, 2012
Can I keep neon tetras with mollies? I have been researching and some say yes and some say no. I have two small, about 1/2 inch and one 2 1/2 molly. I also have nerites and ghost shrimp.

Can I keep more than one type of shrimp? My ghost shrimp are doing so well I thought about getting another type too. If so what kind?
You can deffenitly try some neons. You have a lot of room. You could do a school of 8 at least. You can get all different shrimp, they all get along.
Yes! You can have different types of shrimp, but the will interbreed! Giving you different colors. I don't know if mollies will eat the smaller shrimp fry. Normal rule is: if it fits in there mouth, they will eat it. What do you mean: 2 1/2 mollies? The neons will fit in there just fine! Like the other post says, get at least 6. They act better with more - more comfort and very pretty to watch them stick together! Good luck! How big is your tank BTW? Have you thought of cory or small otos to help with algae and keeping the tank clean?
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My tank is a 29 gallon tall. the 2 1/2 inches (two and a half inches) is how big my dalmatian molly is. She is the only adult I have left. My other adult died after giving birth for the second time. I don't really want to get more mollies so I was trying to find something that would go with them. I need to let my tank age a little more though. Tried khuli loaches and they died from a combination of nitrate and ph problems and I believe stress. I am going to wait until my water conditions stay level for at least two weeks. Tank had only been set up for just over three months. I keep changing things around, i.e. decorations, plants, lights. Think I have things pretty much the way I want now.

My ghost shrimp are making babies like crazy. I have found several teeny, tiny ghost shrimp. I started out with 7 adults. Now I have many in all different sizes from brine shrimp size up. I was really surprised. The molly doesn't bother the shrimp or the snails. She did grab one of the khulis but dropped it really quick. She doesn't bother the two molly fry that survived. One even tries to bully her. She did chase her grown tank mate though.

Here is my current stock

Mollies x 3
Nerites x 3
ghost shrimp x many

Here is what I am thinking of adding to my tank.

Neon tetras x 10
khuli loaches x 6
Spiny nerites x 5 (if I can find them)
Hatchet fish x 6-8 (not sure, I want something for the top of the tank but I am afraid of how jumpy the hatchet fish are said to be)

I do need something to stir the sand but I am not really a fan of catfish types.
The loaches will be all over the bottom of the tank. In my opinion, you shouldn't do the hatchets. With the neons mollies and hatchets, the top level of the tank would be crowded.

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