Neon's trying to make babies?!?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 14, 2005
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Hey guys!

The last little while i've been commenting on how agressive my fish neon's have been ever since i bought 4 more neons to go with my lonely two. (just over a month ago)

I think i FINALLY figured it out.

They were chasing eachother constantly, but no damage to any of the neons... Well i watched them very closely this morning... an hour after lights-on, and 20 minutes after feeding, and they tend to chase eachother, and every now and then one will catch up, and they'll swim.... against eachother. Sideways, and one tail will be tilted sideways under the other fish.

Is that their mating... ritual? lol

I have some fairly tangly java fern that they will not be able to get into, but i don't have a mop or anything. Should i get one? I wouldn't mind some free neons for my 44 gallon! Its nice because the fish that are breeding (if they are) are from different family's. The first neons (2 now) came from petsmart, the second batch (5) (one stuck in my 44 gallon) is from big al's.

Tank param:

1. Tank size 10 gallon
2. Temperature 76*f
3. pH, GH 7.0, 21 degrees hardness
4. Conditioning (or what you've been feeding) Big al's staple food with some frozen and freeze dried bloodworm
5. Fishes activity prior to spawning - Described above
6. Selection of spawning site (if any) Swimming all around
7. Anything you might have done to induce the spawn - I accidentally left my window open last night, the tank might have been a few degrees colder.
8. Pics are always great - The pics are hard to show their behaviour... I'll have this link active for the next 2 days (to a video)
(its 10 mb!)

They've winded down now. Do they only breed in the morning?

Thanks for any info/opinions/anything!
You should see that it is a male or even two tryin to beat the eggs out the female. Take note on the size of the attackers to the victims, females are much larger and also have a slight bend in the neon stripe, please get back to me and tell me how you went on. :fadein:
THe chap at my lfs said to get some chicken wire and place it over a plant or 2. I'm thinking i might make a corner of my tank in it. This because my CAE and my African dwarf frog will gobble up any egg that hits the floor the tank.

When I get around to this, I'll start a new post!
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