Nerite Eggs?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 10, 2012
Wednesday of last week, I received a CUC from, and I added Nerite snails to the order. 2 tapestry, and 2 regular Nerites. One of my regular ones was on my magnet glass cleaner until last night. I was going to clean the glass now that she(I'm assuming) was finally off, and noticed that there are about 35 of these off-white egg things. The picture makes them look white though. If they are Nerite eggs, what should I do? I obviously would like I hatch them, but I'm afraid that my fish will eat them. I have a Sailfin Tang, Scopas Tang, and a Mono Sabea along with 18 blue-leg hermits and 5 red-leg hermits. Thanks!

Unfortunately, I don't have a sump. I do however have a Fluval nano tank I could put them in and wait to hatch. I could match salinity and temperature. Would that work?
Unfortunately, I don't have a sump. I do however have a Fluval nano tank I could put them in and wait to hatch. I could match salinity and temperature. Would that work?

It might work, but no guarantee of snail babies. I had Nassarius snails lay literally thousands of eggs in one spot over the course of several days straight. So far have only seen a few new itty bitty Nassarius snails from the thousands.
Thanks. I might try that. Any knowledge of how long it might take for them to hatch?
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