new 12 gal reef tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 16, 2005
Las Vegas NV
I have eclipse 12 tank that I'm just starting with and not sure whats the best approach. I would like to have starfish and maybe even seahorses too. Any suggestions? :?
seahorses are fairly sensative and have specific needs that don't usually mesh well with other SW critters. For this reason many suggest if you want seahorses that you have a seahorse species tank. I would like to set one of these up myself some day, but I'm waiting for some room to open up before I can dedicate a tank to them.

is this your first fish tank? first SW tank? give us a little background on what you DO know already and we'll try and fill in any gaps!

and.. WELCOME TO AQUARIUM ADVICE :!: :!: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

[EDIT]replaced 3, yes 3, uses of either "starhorses" or starfish where I meant to say seahorse... :roll: [/EDIT]
Welcome to!!! :smilecolros:

The thing about sea horses is that only 50% of them survive once they get to most fish stores, then only about 50% of that will survive once they are sold and taken to a new tank. Also they seem to eat pods, so I would not recommend them in a tank until there is a high supply of pods around.

I couldn’t stand the heartache of loosing such an interesting creature.
I think BillyZ meant seahorse whenever he used starhorse/starfish in his post. Seahorses are commonly recommended for small tanks like yours, but they are not good beginner fish. Apart from not being able to mix them with most other fish (they don't compete well for food), they can be hard to feed sufficiently (prefer zooplankton). They are best in a tank with macroalgae and/or seagrass (which is harder to grow) and some live rock, and possibly a separate refugium tank. There are some good on-line resources worth checking out like:

Alternative good beginner fish for small tanks are various small gobies and cardinalfish. I don't really have much advice in terms of starfish - some need a sandbed, rock to hide under, or get too big. Whether you go the seahorse route or not, you'll probably want a small clean-up crew of a few small snails and small hermit crabs - there're lots to choose from.

Hope that helps, Ryan
Biotoper said:
I think BillyZ meant seahorse whenever he used starhorse/starfish in his post.
8O 8O 8O

I, apparently, am in need of much sleep! You are 100% correct... everywhere I said "starhorses" (laugh) or starfish I meant Seahorses

*shakes head*
Biotoper said:
they can be hard to feed sufficiently (prefer zooplankton)

Here are some examples of what you will see in your tank when it is ready to go!


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Thnx for all the replies! I think I'll stay away from the seahorses and the starfish too, I think. I don't have much experience. I have helped with the 75 gal sw reef tank that my husband started. We have two clowns, a royal gramma, and a blue neon goby. Along with a lawn mower blenny, 68 hermit crabs and 34 snails that were added the other day. My husband is pretty knowledgeable when it comes to this stuff, but I would like to do as much as I can by my self. :|
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