new 38g cycling help

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 12, 2011
So I have a new 38g tank which has been up and running for about 2-3 days and its still cloudy and I started it with pre seeded filter media along with some plants. I'm wondering, how long is it gonna be cloudy
I cannot answer your question, but I am guessing others will need to know substrate and how you cleaned it.
I cleaned it in water for a long time and also transferred some from my established aquarium
What filtration? A bit of "floss" will polish any small particles from the water. If the cloudiness is bacterial it will clear up when the new setup becomes more stable.
When I first set up my tank, all new btw. The first day It got really cloudy so I went and bought API stress zyme+ and like 2 days later the water was crystal clear. Or maybe it's not the insufficient bacteria maybe it's because of loose particles you can also buy a water clearer if it's that.
ARon9501 said:
When I first set up my tank, all new btw. The first day It got really cloudy so I went and bought API stress zyme+ and like 2 days later the water was crystal clear. Or maybe it's not the insufficient bacteria maybe it's because of loose particles you can also buy a water clearer if it's that.

Well I know there is loose particals and I do not think there is an insufficient amount of bacteria because I'm using seeded ceramic rings for filter media
I'd upgrade the filter to an aquaclear 70, with a prefilter on the intake to prevent sand from destroying the impeller. I use the Penguin powerhead reverse-flow replacement sponges for that on all my filter intakes.
I would but I recently built a wood trim and now nothing will fit and its completely up against the wall and I can't afford a canister filter so I'm stuck with this for now. Any advice on that one would be great
No advice on the filters but bacteria bloom caused my cloudiness... I was advised a week or 2 for my new tank which had filter media from an established tank.... Currently battling rising Ammonia and Nitirite levels with 50% water changes regularly (Daily or at 2 days)
Well now my tank is super clear. I added water clarifier last night and now its super clear


  • ForumRunner_20110822_073459.jpg
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Good news :)

If the cloudiness comes back and you use the clarifier a lot then you might have to look into changing the filter. Best of luck though, very smart but nice and simple tank :)...
Yeah its simple now but I'm not done I will be adding more plants and also 8 neons, 4 Molly's, 3 dwarf gouramis, and 4 emerald Cory's
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