New 55 gallon... Have a few questions!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 11, 2013
Ok so I started with my 5 gallon spec which isn't doing well with plants ATM due to low nitrates I believe.
Any way I have dwarf hair grass in both tanks my hair grass hasn't started sprouting runners and has been established for over a month now was wondering why it hasn't I'm more or less wondering because I want the hair grass in my 55 to carpet the bottom I just wanted to see what I'm doing wrong?!
Ok so I started with my 5 gallon spec which isn't doing well with plants ATM due to low nitrates I believe.
Any way I have dwarf hair grass in both tanks my hair grass hasn't started sprouting runners and has been established for over a month now was wondering why it hasn't I'm more or less wondering because I want the hair grass in my 55 to carpet the bottom I just wanted to see what I'm doing wrong?!

Hi! Let's start off with these questions:

What sort of lighting do you have?
How long do your lights run?
Are you dosing any ferts?
Do you have pressurized CO2 or a liquid carbon supplement?
What is your substrate?
My 5 has the light that came with the fluval spec which I want to find something better i can use both tanks I use API co2 booster on the 5 runs for 10 hours/day with fluval shrimp stratum. The 55 has a 48 inch aqueon modular led fixture which I found out more about the spectrums after I bought it and that runs for 9 hours/day
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