New 90 gallon freshwater tank community advice.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 27, 2016

I'm looking for suggestions to add to a new 90 gallon freshwater community tank I'm putting together. The environment will be well planted with a variety of fish ranging in color and body shape. The types of fish I'm considering are pictus catfish, snow leopard pleco, rainbow shark, clown loach and at least one small school...the rest I'm not sure on. I was thinking a few anglefish but I read different opinions on how they would get along with the rest of the mix I'm considering.

I have a nice setup in a 16 gallon tank with an albino catfish, common pleco, 2 gourami, 12 member neon-tetra school, 3 threadfins and a goldfish. This community was very nice visual variation and gets along great, so I'm looking for similar diversity on a bigger scale.

Any thoughts or ideas on fish for the 90 would be great.
Any thoughts or ideas on fish for the 90 would be great.

Well, I might move some of the fish from the 16 to the 90. Don't take me wrong, but that seems fairly overcrowded.

On the subject of the 90, itself, in addition to moving the threadfins over, other rainbows would be a good choice: a tank that size is just made for them.
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