New addition w/ pics

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 6, 2009
I might have posted before but here we go again maybe

the build is not but half way done so far

Start of build to last nights accomplishments

seal testing



pile o goodies

installing clearview background with seaview


patience is not a virtue, I got excited and wanted to see a close to end result

way it sits till plants arrive at the end of the week

This is a Discus build, There is no budget.
coralife T5HO 6700K 39wx2
sump is rated for 175g
CPR-100 overflow box
950 gph pump
via aqua titanium heater
100# of eco complete
over 50 plants coming in at the end of the week
mopani driftwood for now, maybe some collected DW as well once the winter breaks.

runs great, sump level stays perfect as well as tank and overflow box water levels, blackout tested ,removed 1.5" from the sump.

Discus wont go in for atleast 2 months more like 3. Everything will be prepared for them when they do arrive and will be drip acclimated to this tank.

tank mates are going to be some smaller docile tetra but not too small, maybe cardinals, either SAE's or a BNP will also be the cleaning crew.

Its a 45g tall tank
IT looks great, can't wait to see the plants...careful not to overstock with the discus....nice setup!
Nice looking start of a tank you got there! How many gallons is it? You are a brave man, 'seal testing' in your house! LOL. I think my wifey would throw me out the door if I did that! Keep up the good work and keep us posted.
Sorry yes tons

got pressurized CO2, got a butt ton of plants in there, vals are melting down but lets see what the co2 does.

um diy's a split for the sump supply, single O/F box and dual sump feeds.

installed the reactor and Ph live monitor
39wx2 36" T5HO coralife light on it now, and 70w "grow" light on the sump

7 glolights and two true SAE's hold down the fort. I am waiting on the water to clear before pics are taken. it looks like doo with blackwater.

Nah, my wife scores the tanks for me cept this one was from one of my friends(amazing what someone will leave behind when they run out on their mortgage, even HAD live fish in it when they left it) I got greenboard up and ceramic tiles with floor drains in every room of my basement,besides she doesnt say much about water in the house, the men in my family are known to bring garden hoses in the house and shoot people, weird I know but its only water and I dont keep valuebles around, just kids toys and kid decorated furniture.

Also got a 25gpd RO/DI unit and a 47g trash can as well, still waiting on my drip acclimator to get here so I can really start hunting down my discus. Its a 45g tall all glass classic oak with a 175g capable sump.
They are the super rare invisible kind, sell you em all for 50 bucks!

I couldnt see em at first either but if you look really really hard youll see like 10 7" invisible discus in there.
less then 30 days, I am eager too and am talking with a few local breeders that have high recommendations. That seems to be the patience tester in this, finding true quality livestock.
Very nice looking setup. I wish you luck with your Discus. I've done all kinds of tanks (low-tech, high-tech, FW, SW) and for some reason discus scare me. lol
Got an algae outbreak and found some pond snails on the glass one afternoon, squished em and tossed in a pair of assassin's from my MTS tank.

Got the RO/DI unit in and running, got a 45g tote w/ spigot for a mixed tap/ro supply. Discus will be here by the 31st.

6 albino corydoras and 20 neons added over the past 4 days.
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