New Additions to African cichlid tank?

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...I've never seen white labs before...

this is a white lab btw, a very beautiful fish IMO very active swimmers and very timid just like yellow labs.

Thanks for the pic, but my lfs doesn't anywhere to get them from. And here's the plan for this weekend. I'm going to give the lfs the pleco, auratus, peacocks and one male yellow lab and in return I will get store credit. I will get the zebras, peacocks and fry/qt tank, filter and heater.

Sound good or should I wait a while for the other tank?
Thanks for the pic, but my lfs doesn't anywhere to get them from. And here's the plan for this weekend. I'm going to give the lfs the pleco, auratus, peacocks and one male yellow lab and in return I will get store credit. I will get the zebras, peacocks and fry/qt tank, filter and heater.

Sound good or should I wait a while for the other tank?

get this tank settled, then start on another tank, and what peacocks do they have..?
I called and they have "ruby crystal" peacocks, red watch zebras and cobalt blue zebras. Not much of a selection, but maybe they'll have more this weekend.
Go for an assortment of apistogrammas if you want quite a few in a smaller tank. You can get some nice blues, yellows, reds, and they get along well with some other feeders like clown loaches, at least mine do :)
I called and they have "ruby crystal" peacocks, red watch zebras and cobalt blue zebras. Not much of a selection, but maybe they'll have more this weekend.

just try to get in with them at your lfs, my local exotic pet store wil update me with a list of fish available for order and i can pick and choose from there.
The ruby crystal" peacocks, red watch zebras and cobalt blue zebras. Would they work out okay or is one of them too big etc.?

It's it's a true ruby crystal yes, if they sell you a red shoulder as a rip off your gonna be in trouble they're extremely aggressive I just had to get rid of one he almost wiped out an entire tank of fish I couldn't have anything in there with him.
I think I should be able to tell the difference between the two. Red shoulders have more blue, correct?
some more some less, and some reds have more or less red, its a double-edged sword you'll be surprised how much breeders and retail stores dont actually know about their stock.
some more some less, and some reds have more or less red, its a double-edged sword you'll be surprised how much breeders and retail stores dont actually know about their stock.

One time I got an angel fish from petco and the guy rang it up as discus. The total was 69.43 and they tried to make me pay for that so I just left without an angel. That's why I only got tho chain stores for supplies, not fish.
One time I got an angel fish from petco and the guy rang it up as discus. The total was 69.43 and they tried to make me pay for that so I just left without an angel. That's why I only got tho chain stores for supplies, not fish.

Wow its totally opposite where I'm from the LFS is quite shady and pet smart has a few employees that are very knowledgeable about cichlids and a few that are the same with saltwater fish....
Wow its totally opposite where I'm from the LFS is quite shady and pet smart has a few employees that are very knowledgeable about cichlids and a few that are the same with saltwater fish....

Wow. That's kind of weird.
The only bad thing is the LFS has the best selection of fish but you may end up with it belly up inside a day. Haven't had any problems from the PetSmart.. Wish we had a decent fish store closer than 2 hrs away.. :/
It's it's a true ruby crystal yes, if they sell you a red shoulder as a rip off your gonna be in trouble they're extremely aggressive I just had to get rid of one he almost wiped out an entire tank of fish I couldn't have anything in there with him.

How many of each should I get?
How many of each should I get?

its hard to say because i dont know what else your going with, if you wanna keep the leba dn go with a few mbuna as well i wouldnt put more than 2 peacocks in there with them.
its hard to say because i dont know what else your going with, if you wanna keep the leba dn go with a few mbuna as well i wouldnt put more than 2 peacocks in there with them.

I was going to go with the ruby crystal peacock, cobalt blue zebra and red watch zebra. I just called and they said their African tanks were full so I can't bring mine in right now.
I was going to go with the ruby crystal peacock, cobalt blue zebra and red watch zebra. I just called and they said their African tanks were full so I can't bring mine in right now.

your taking the fish back to the store..? and i meant to say staying with the lab, and that sounds like a good mix, 2 of each and your set,
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