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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 11, 2011
I have set up a 29 g aquarium any ideas on fish selection I am open to anything
Dwarf cichlids. Rams, Apistos, or Kribs. Small dither fish like schools of 2 species of Tetras (cardinals, embers, and/or von rio flames). Ottos or a bristle-nose pleco for algae. Some corries for ground dwellers.
Um, are you upgrading for your current fish?

Your profile says you have:
My Tanks
10 Gallon
-Three Fancy-Tailed Guppies
-Five Neon Tetras
-One Cory Cat
-Borneo Sucker
-Freshwater Flounder

Which is vastly overstocked, IMO. The Corys need a group, the Neons would be happier with a larger school and with more swimming space than a 10 gal can give them, the Borneo Sucker should be in a larger tank than the 10 and prefer cooler water than the other tropicals you have. The freshwater flounder may prefer/require brackish water from what I've read and can be rather difficult to feed in community tanks.

I'd move the Tetras and Cory to the 29 to give them more room and increase the numbers of each. You should moe the sucker and flounder to the larger tank too but not sure if they are compatible long-term with each other or the fish and whether a tropical temp would suit the sucker and whether the flounder would need brackish water. More research would be required here.

If you were going to move all of the fish to the 29 and move the filter over from the 10 it would cycle it but if you add more fish (not sure that's recommended given your stock, though) you'll probably go through some mini cycles which will require daily testing and frequent water changes.

How to keep freshwater flounders, Archirus lineatus, with pictures
Fishkeeping - Caresheets - Hillstream Loach (Borneo Sucker Fish, Hongkong Plec, Chinese Plec) - Beaufortia kweichowensis
The Borneo sucker and the flounder have died since I updated my profile the only thing in the ten is five neons and two guppies. And the Cory do the 29 is in need of stocking. I really like the various forms of bottom dwelling catfish such as the whiptails and gecko cats
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