New clown tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 9, 2012
Calgary, Alberta
Starting a new clown only tank. I'm researching what food to give them. What does everyone think of "New Life Spectrum Marine Fish Formula 1mm Sinking Pellet"? Reviews seem pretty solid but I thought I'd check with you all first. :)
I use new life and it's a top quality food. My clowns as well as all my fish eat it, even my mandarin. :)

You arent planning on adding more than 2 clowns to a tank are you? Most times that doesn't work out real well. I almost lost 2 of mine when the other two decided that they hated that other pair one day out of the blue. And this was in a six foot tank too.
carey said:
You arent planning on adding more than 2 clowns to a tank are you?

Nope just my allardi and my new juvenile percula. They are already inseparable and constantly dancing with each other. So I'm thinking of getting them their own place :)

Good to hear about the food. I usually only feed frozen but have been hearing a lot of good things about this. It'll be a lot easier to give them a balanced diet if I can use this as a staple and then give them the occasional treat. Thanks for all the info!
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