New England Platys!!

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 2, 2004
I have a dozen or so beautiful platys (some mickey mouse and some sunset fire). I love them dearly and they are all home grown, but space in my tank is becoming an issue. Don't want to sell them to fish store...ranging in age from 5 days to 1 year...9 are female 3 are male...if you live in New England and would like some of these, please reply. 8)
I'd prefer not to ship them since I won't be able to guarantee their safe arrival.
* They all have excellent, clean color (Mickey Mouses have great markings!) and have never been sick - very healthy!
i live not that far from jbr, i am in brockton, and could put some in my tank at school. i just have to talk to my teacher first. how much and where are you located?
Hi Penguinsix,
Thanks for your interest in the Platys, but I think jbr is going to take all of them. (I think I'm keeping one or two for sentimental reasons). I will let you know if I have extras in the future, ok?

Thanks again!
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