new fish for the week

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 14, 2004
Well, in my endevours to keep my hobby going strong i have decided to sell off or give away my common pleco (a lil more then 7" now) and 3 b. modesta (each 4" or larger). This is to make room for the new rubbernose pleco, 6 kuhli loaches, and a spotted raphael. (yes my sig has a long list and my tank is VERY well established with LOTS of extra filteration on it)
Hoping to get some photos up sometime soon but who knows ... I have to find the new pleco and the spotted raphael out from hiding.
common and b. modesta are probably going to be showing up at the next CAS meeting (if i am not working) .. knnow anyone that would want any of them?

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