New fish house

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fire eels one of my dream FW fish. i was also actually going to suggest tire track eel as well. they still get big enough, but not quite as big as a fire eel.
An old friend has a tire track eel, to be honest I've always preferred the markings on the fire eel! (Seen in shops)

My monster specimen has to be the bichir, P. Ornatipinnis. Just not with the clowns.

I think, I'm thinking.:confused:

Now I definitely need more space.

So, is it just a single specimen or a group. I know the tire track is ok alone.

One thing that bothers me is all the hiding away. That bugs me with my old buddy's track eel. If it died under the substrate, what a pain!

Still, tarpon! What a great suggestion!
I think the fire eel would be an excellent choice bro, just keep in mind they will get as thick as your arm and very long haha.

Like my hypostomus? Elbow to fingertips, nice size fish.

What about long term feeding? Surely a fish that size eats more than bloodworm?
All settled in, tank @ 1.003 SG. :D

Eating well but doesn't recognise anything but snails as food, had a little nip on frozen chopped mussel, he didn't really eat it though.

I feed ours on frozen bloodworm, snails, zebra mussels that gro in our header tank!, and dried shrimp (turtle food).... well i would if we hadn't sold out, lol

Have some spotted puffers now, same foods :D

Try small or chopped earthworms too mate
I'm sure you can feed them night crawlers such as earthworms as long as you grow them in a site with not pesticides and all that jazz. I've seen people feed them massivore pellets.

It shouldn't be too hard feeding them, if anything, you can wean them onto the pellets by using garlic and soaking them in bloodworm juice? *shudders*
My old one ate the mussel, krill etc. it used to demolish a half cube of whatever no problems, maybe I need to starve him a bit? That usually weens them onto alternative food types.

As it's a new fish I'm just happy it's eating! and eating well. Unfortunately the tank where the snails are (120 community) was recently moved decimating snail population as it was broken down and cleaned. In a few months I will be ok again!

He does eat bites of the frozen but not a proper "meal" like I expect from this type of fish.
hah. i just hope you get one so i can see pics. and thats a beautiful puffer btw. do those stay small?
hah. i just hope you get one so i can see pics. and thats a beautiful puffer btw. do those stay small?

Thank you, and yes. Mine is in a 60x30 cm tank. Big filter this time! (Fluval205) Tank now at SG 1.004, if you need to know?
5-8cms 8 maximum. Brackish water, light brackish. There is a fish profile here that I would recommend on species care. Accurate info by OP.

About the eel, seriously considering this as a single oddball for the clown tank!
Add a plec and an upper level shoal, tank stocked!
My first fish were danio sp. I had (sorry no Latin) zebra leopard and pearl. The pearls were my favourite of all these. I think the zebra were rerio.

Quick question as you will know (save me digging out the books) will they fit the water bill? +T slight acid, softer scenario?

Edit-just checked- kind of zebra with a pearl topside!
yeah, Brachydanio rerio - although I think the genus name has changed now! Pearls same latin name as they are a colour morph of the zebra. Pearls I can recall right now, but my friend Google can help - give him a shout :D

There are a lot more danio specise. We have some spotted dwarf danio - nice looking fish.

You could also try asian rummy nose, also nice when they colour up and a little less 'run-of-the-mill'
Many different rummy nose, like bumble bee goby. Please be specific, the zebra striped tailed ones look nice (best to me), not so sure the potential eel may enjoy the lovely light snacks at some point!
Rummy nose yes eel no. Eel yes giants yes.
Need a lid for the eel, I never did get to making a proper top cover, can't decide on "the" design.
I actually quite like the giants, kind of fish nostalgia for me. First fish in my first tank at least the colour form is similar. Don't forget some form of Loricariidae to complete stock/community.

Thank you ALL for the input! Some great choices so far! I may have even named some of them, oops, I know what that means! MORE stock!

Eel-Texas (I can't call it tarpon!) Great name I think!
Giant danios-The Pippettes, like Gladys knight or other old Motown quartet! Obviously after pip! It's the only way to name a shoal!

More suspects will be considered for the foreseeable future.
Hill stream loach, as yet un identified.

These things absolutely loved the bag, this was the only way to get them out. For now (after quarantine) they may live in the old puffer tank. I forgot to get the name from the store, there are a few similar species.


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Tut tut, not enough research.

I've always wanted some! I think they will end up (now I've read some more about them) in a tank specific to there needs. I have the space above the 120. I guess I will put the glass catfish in as well as they are also mountain stream fish.

Kind of biotope, no plants just rounded stones. I may have to actually go and buy a tank! First time in 8 years.

I also got 12 more glowlight tetra as I only have 3 left. So now I'll have 15 of each, glowlight and black neons.

I read about these fish years ago, last fish room I had Yo yo loach B.alrmorhae with the glass cats these were the species I chose to finish the set up I just never got to buying any.

I like them because they are unique looking for freshwater fish.
Many different rummy nose, like bumble bee goby. Please be specific, the zebra striped tailed ones look nice (best to me), not so sure the potential eel may enjoy the lovely light snacks at some point!
Rummy nose yes eel no. Eel yes giants yes.
Need a lid for the eel, I never did get to making a proper top cover, can't decide on "the" design.
I actually quite like the giants, kind of fish nostalgia for me. First fish in my first tank at least the colour form is similar. Don't forget some form of Loricariidae to complete stock/community.

Thank you ALL for the input! Some great choices so far! I may have even named some of them, oops, I know what that means! MORE stock!

Eel-Texas (I can't call it tarpon!) Great name I think!
Giant danios-The Pippettes, like Gladys knight or other old Motown quartet! Obviously after pip! It's the only way to name a shoal!

More suspects will be considered for the foreseeable future.

Oh yeah, sorry, the asian rummy nose isn't a tetra... more of a rasbora...
Sawbwa resplendens Don't look much in a bare tank, but check colours on google.
Those loach very similar to borneo sucker Beaufortia kweichowensis, but there are a few similar ones... I will research it :D How much did you pay?
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