New fish?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 23, 2009
Pitttsburgh, Pennsylvania
Im pretty sure im at my limit but i was wondering if i could get another small fish. If not a fish maybe a cool invert? I currently have 2 ocellaris clowns in a 14 gallon biocube.
You could possibly add a small goby, but only if your tank parameters support it. How long has it been setup?
Clown goby, Yasha goby, High fin banded... check out liveaquaria to get an idea. I'd probably wait awhile longer to add anything (if I did). The good thing is that it will allow you time to research exactly what you want while the tank continues to mature.
Fire shrimps are awesome to!!!! i have one in my 14 g bio... its prettty hahahaha
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