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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 29, 2008
Odenton MD
i got 3 new red wag platies, i thout they were smaller than my zebra danios but guess i was wrong but no biggy. anyways just want to tell u about this and sum other stuff
well went to petsmart hoping to buy sum new friends. then when i saw the platies i just had to get them since my favorite little platy pass awway. well the petsmart lady actually got them and put them in this glass like box. but then wen she was waking to get a plastic bag one of the little guys actually jumped out! and fell on the ground. so she just scooped it rite up and gave it sum stress coat protection.
well everything went well after that but it was annoying that my older sister wanted alittle turtle t o keep in her tank.
Since my fav litle guy died from who knows wat it would be good if u told me sum info about em'
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