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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 6, 2009
College Park, MD
I recently decided to get a betta and did so. The first one, Rupert, died of something that was most likely swim bladder disease. I kept him in a one gallon bowl with a java fern plant. It was sad but then I went and got another, Ovie, a really nice looking half- moon and he started to come down with the same exact thing. It was stupid to keep the plant and I knew it and it probably got Ovie sick but in the end I treated him with some all in one medicine (life-saver floating device and all), changed the water and got the plant out. After a week of looking gravely ill, he started to get better and now looks better than when I got him. Through out that time, I told him I would get him a nice aquarium and some companions if he were to pull through. He pulled through and I kept my end of the bargain. Now he's in a 10 gallon tank and I need to figure out what kind of fish are best fit for him. Any suggestions? Also, I have a water filter that seems to have quite a strong current, which I don't think Ovie likes too much. It's a Top Fin Power filter 10 (petsmart brand) and hangs on the back of the aquarium. Any suggestions on how to lower the current? He just gets flung around by it and after all he went through I'd like him to be comfortable and most of all happy (whatever that means for a fish).
So this is my introduction. I apologize for the length.
I look forward to advice from people who know much more than I.
Welcome, I did this two years ago.

My son who is now 4 got a male betta( more like I got) when he was 1, he died over the winter. I put him in with a kuhli, a pleco and several short fin tetras.

He did his fair share of defending his spot but he caved in and hung out with the others all the time.

Just stay away from fin nippers and other long fin fish and you will be fine.

PS Bettas THRIVE in community tanks. he will only get brighter and more active.
Welcome to AA!
Would Ovie happen to be named after the Caps player? If rock. I <3 hockey and especially the Caps.

I have 2 otos with one of my bettas and a variety of other fish with my other betta...neon tetras, platys, swordtails. It depends on the personality of your fish as far as a general rule, avoid other anabantoids (gouramis), fin nippers, and long-finned fish (like male guppies). As far as the current, how long has he been in there? He might not be strong enough to swim against the current right now. Also, see if the filter has an adjustable flow rate?
I certainly had a particular Hockey player in mind when naming him:) I'm a Caps fan as well (though I need to upgrade from my Jagr jersey). I'm not sure if the the "Great 8" would think so but I think "Ovie" is a good name for fish.
The filter doesn't have anything that would adjust the flow rate (it was the cheapest one for 10 gallon tanks) so I can't do anything about that (not easily anyway). I set up the aquarium a few days ago and just put him in today so it's only been a few hours. I may just be overly paranoid especially after he was sick for so long. I didn't realize how strongly the current would affect him (he's on the tiny side for a betta). He may just need to get used to the current and get to know his new environment better. I think he's already found some hiding spots.
I'm going to let him get used to the tank before changing things up on him right away (maybe a week or two) but I'll definitely look into those types. Have you heard anything about ghost/glass catfish? I saw them at the store and they looked pretty neat. He seems to have a mild temperment seeing as he doesn't ever flare up so he'd probably get along fine with others.
Thanks for the reply. Go Caps!
Who knows...he's got a great sense of humor. If you haven't seen his Eastern's Motors commercial, youtube it. It's hilarious.

As far as glass catfish, I can't speak from experience but
Tropical Fish for Freshwater Aquariums: Ghost Glass Cat
lists the minimum tank size as 10g but it also says they grow 4 inches and need to be in a group of at least 5? Maybe someone with experience can chime in.
As a whole, though, is a good starting place. Welcome to Badman's Tropical Fish is also excellent.
yeah I have seen that commercial and it hilarious. I doubt he'd be offended. In fact he'd probably think it's the best possible name for a "siamese fighting fish". Aggression and grace are definitely a part of his game.. Thanks for the links. Ghost cat fish might be a viable option. I'll check out the other ones as well. I never realized how obsessive I could get with this aquarium thing. I should be doing physics homework!
I'm writing an o chem lab report right now, so I feel you! I just spent way too much time researching my tank upgrade and now my mom's charged me with researching moonlights for the 20g at home! It's definitely addictive.
orgo labs are a pain. Nothing works like it should, especially when all the chemicals you're using are probably expired. I'm taking orgo II now and decided to take the lab during the summer so I wouldn't have to deal with it during the semester. Good luck.
I'm weird and I love it. But I'm a chem major, so I should, lol. I'm DREADING physics because I'm stuck with the calculus-based courses due to labs.
I want to get into pharmacy school so I have to take a lot of chemistry, which in the end I like. If you can get through Organic Chem. then Physics should be no problem. I'm taking the non-calculus based physics (second semester as well)and have found in many cases that it would have been easier to solve a bunch of problems with calculus rather than without. I guess it depends how comfortable you are with calculus...
I'm looking to do pharmacy too! That, or the EPA's 2 year career thing and get my master's in (gasp) o chem. I'm very comfy with least for physics...good to hear that it's gonna help more than hurt!

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