New From Florida

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 5, 2013
Tampa Florida
Hi- found this site looking for decor ideas for my convict cichlid.

I became a cichlid owner in a round about way.
When my son was a few months old I got a 10 gallon tank for some colorful fish for him to watch.
We left for the holidays and our neighbor watched our cats for us. When we came back he said I have some fish and he came over with a mason jar and 4 fish I had never heard of. It was only after I added them to my tank and the next morning that I discovered they were fish eaters having lost 3 danios over night.

I also discovered that they were mean fish and that I had a breeding pair- Big Daddy killed off the other 2 and then we had my first batch of fry. I thought it was cool but then they had another batch and at that point I was done with the happy family. I took all the babies and Momma and Pappa and gave them to a local pet store but kept the biggest baby left over from the first batch of fry.

and that is Junior.

it has been over 6 years now and Junior has moved from Maryland to Florida. Lived in the 10 gallon tank with danios until he was big enough to eat them. Then was in a 6 gallon tank. I then found out that cichlids should be in at least 20 gallons so that is what he is in now.

He lives on a diet of Pellets, frozen blood worms and the occasional feeder guppy or ghost shrimp.

The last batch of 10 guppies he decided to keep 3 of them around for a while. Then he was down to just 1 and that 1 has lived with Junior for going on 4 months now.

So I really dont know what I am doing Ive never had a fish this long before- I read they can live to 10 years. I think it's kind of cool I've had him his whole life.

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