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I had a purple and he did nothing but hide. He was more cryptic than the Pom Pom crab I had lol. Good you didn't get a purple

Well the purple can't hide any more than this one does :lol: this is actually the first time I have seen him since putting him in last week. I want a pom pom also, I think they are so cute the way they wave their pom pom's around.

I also got 3 sexy shrimp coming Monday that the LFS is ordering for me and will be picking up a skunk cleaner tomorrow at a different LFS. Not to mention today I was at a different LFS where I took my care for an oil change and ended up getting some GSP :)

By the time Monday gets here I think my credit card will be maxed out :ROFLMAO:
Haha nice! Pom poms are awesome. Mine used to punch my sixline in the face with it's Pom poms when the wrasse got to close
Haha nice! Pom poms are awesome. Mine used to punch my sixline in the face with it's Pom poms when the wrasse got to close

ROFL :ROFLMAO:, now that I would like to see. They do seem to have personality, I was reading a post somewhere where someone said their pom pom ran around the tank like godzilla thinking he owned the tank :lol:
You were right Red :), I just went back to check the tank before bed and when I turned on the light in the room there he was sitting on one of the ricks at the bottom with his little fans out. I think he has a burrow under the rock as well because he started to go back in when he saw me but stopped. :lol:

Glad to hear it :) Crab molts can look incredibly realistic, and they usually look like some thing slaughtered the crab, very weird the first time I saw it.
Glad to hear it :) Crab molts can look incredibly realistic, and they usually look like some thing slaughtered the crab, very weird the first time I saw it.

Me too, and looked like something just ripped his claw off and left it laying there. Just wish he would come out where I can see him now lol.
Ya the first molt I found was the whole body but the back was like ripped open, thought I had a mantis and spent the next 2 days searching until I found the emerald :)
Haha, when I first saw my skunk cleaner's molt I was pretty freaked out for a minute.

Btw, I just did some research on poms poms and cannot BELIEVE these crabs.
- They carry living anemones all their lives
- They use their nems for defense, scavenging, and courtship, and the anemones are totally cool with this
- They can actually frag their own anemones if they lose one
- Crabs will share anemones if one loses theirs
- They look extremely cool with their colors and nems
Are these not some of the coolest inverts in SW? Lol I really, really want to find one at an LFS.
Haha, when I first saw my skunk cleaner's molt I was pretty freaked out for a minute.

Btw, I just did some research on poms poms and cannot BELIEVE these crabs.
- They carry living anemones all their lives
- They use their nems for defense, scavenging, and courtship, and the anemones are totally cool with this
- They can actually frag their own anemones if they lose one
- Crabs will share anemones if one loses theirs
- They look extremely cool with their colors and nems

Ok, this just makes me won't a couple even more now :lol: I had no idea about any of these characteristics. I am so getting some as soon as I can.

Are these not some of the coolest inverts in SW? Lol I really, really want to find one at an LFS.

YES they are!!! :ROFLMAO: I am gonna see if my LFS can order me a couple. I have seen them on their site so I am sure they can.
Sexy's in Da House!!!!

Already fallen in love with these little guy's, 2 females and 1 male :multi:



Looking good :)

Thanks Dingus. But man are the small....can't be more than 1/4" in size. Also got a great deal....Petco sent me an email with 25.00 worth of pet reward basically I only paid 5.50 for all three :lol:
Thanks Dingus. But man are the small....can't be more than 1/4" in size. Also got a great deal....Petco sent me an email with 25.00 worth of pet reward basically I only paid 5.50 for all three :lol:

Yeah, I was mildly shocked when I realized how small they are, but they make up for it in personality! They're perfect for nano and pico tanks.
Yeah, I was mildly shocked when I realized how small they are, but they make up for it in personality! They're perfect for nano and pico tanks.

So true...they are making themselves right at home. I cant help but laugh the way they shake their booties around :lol:
I'd have to say I'm jealous. I've always wanted some but they'd become snacks in my tank :(
I'd have to say I'm jealous. I've always wanted some but they'd become snacks in my tank :(

I was worried about that myself. But once I put them in I seen the were not big enough not to fit in my firefish's mouth so that made me happy.
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