new sump setup help!!

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if your tank is acrylic, you don't even need a glass drilling bit. you can go to home depot and get a bit for it
oooh i see now..there is not siphon involved so i wouldnt ever run any risk of losing siphon..its going to basically just drain into the sump with no suction..wish i would have seen this before ordering my cpr overflow box that i wont be using anymore lol i am going to order the 700gph drilled kit from glass holes instead and try selling my overflow box that i have not received by mail yet...does drilled make more noise or can it be quiet?
a drilled tank, set up correctly, can be completely quiet.
btw, just return the cpr overflow box.

the only thing i would keep in mind is the return line back siphoning (this can happen with both a HOB overflow, and a drilled tank). when the return pump shuts off, the return line being filled will reverse, and start siphoning back into the sump. you'll need to do something to break siphon as soon as possible when this happens.
what i do is drill a hole in the return just below the water line. when the power goes out, it only drains a tiny bit and then sucks air through this hole.
Thanks or I can just use a check valve as well right..but I think the hole would be easier and just as affative.. What you mean by set up correctly..would I have to modify the kit in anyway to achieve quietness..
check valves aren't 100% successful. after a short time, algae and a slime coat, along with some of the countless zillions of creatures that grow/reproduce in these closed systems can, and in many cases, will block the seal in a check valve.

if any overflow is making noise, you can do a few things to tweak them, one would be adjusting the amount of flow through it, and another would be to put a piece of airline tubing partially down the drain pipe to stop the gurgling sound(the gurgling is a mixture of air and water. if the air is being supplied via the airline, in many cases this makes it completely silent).
can some one tell me if ASM skimmer is better than a octopus? i am looking into the ASMG1 or G2 or octopus 110..what would be better choice?
or the SRO 1000INT....i have around $200-300 for a skimmer...
that's an awesome skimmer.
octopus skimmers are built, and perform way better than ASM skimmers. not counting the superior construction, just look at the efficiency of the pumps each use.
Thats the one I was leaning towards but just didnt see a big difference between the 1000 and the 110 model..
Ok so I should be recieving my skimmer, a return pump and a drilled overflow kit during this other question is..besides my skimmer(i ended up getting the sro1000int), is there any other type of filtration I need in my sump as far as sponges or anything like that? Or should my drain just go straight into my skimmer section with no other filtration stuff?
you could use a filter sock if you wanted, but it's up to you. i would not use any sponge material.
if you decide to use a filter sock, i would rinse it out weekly. you might also want to look into a reactor for carbon. i like those 2 little fishies reactors.
Two Little Fishies Phosban Reactor

as you get more experienced, you may or may not want to use phosban in one of these. i found that my reefs did fine with just carbon.
i been reading alot and there is alot of different answers as to what flow rate should be going through a question is what seems about a good flow rate to go through my 20 gallon long sump/fuge? i just bought a 700gph drilled overflow box and i have rio 2500 pump.. should i use a smaller pump and a vavle on my drain to acheive slower rates or what rates is recommended through the sump?
people who tell you that you need a slower rate through the refugium don't know what they are talking about. plants do not need "dwell time". they only need to be touching water. fast or slow, it will work the same.
people who tell you that you need a slower rate through the refugium don't know what they are talking about. plants do not need "dwell time". they only need to be touching water. fast or slow, it will work the same.


Slower rate could cause a dead spot in your refugium which would be bad!
fast or slow, it will work the same.
let me re-phrase that.
too slow is not good, because of the above mentioned dead spots, stagnating water...
plus, you want pods and other micro life to be sucked up and put into the display to repopulate it. your not going to do that with water creeping along.

the only thing super fast flow may cause is micro bubbles entering the display. you have a bubble trap, so you should be fine with that.
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