New Tank and Fish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 7, 2011
Lafayette, CA
I'm new to this site and well as having a new tank with plants and fish. We have a 100 gallon TruVu with fresh water and substrate and live plants. It's been quite the challenge getting things up and running. Killed off the fisrt batch of plants, but after a month all is well. finally have tetras, rummy nose, printellas and a few discus and an angel. A bit concerned as over the weekend one plant died and the nitrates increase. Looks like the angel fish has pop eye. Water and chemicals now stabilized and all other plants and fish doing well. Any recommendations for the angel fish? Get him out of the tank or hope for the best????
Welcome to AA!

Tell us a bit more about your tank. How long has it been set up? Did you cycle it? What equipment are you using (filters, lighting, etc.)?

If you've got the ability to quarantine the angel, do so.
New Tank And Fish

Welcome to AA!

Tell us a bit more about your tank. How long has it been set up? Did you cycle it? What equipment are you using (filters, lighting, etc.)?

If you've got the ability to quarantine the angel, do so.

I've had the tank about 3 months and did cycle it for 6 weeks befor adding any fish. the filter is and Eheim Professional 3 and the lighting is an Aquarium Deluxe Series Double Linear Strip Freshwater Aqualight 192 watts. That angel did not make it as the nitrites were high from one of the plants that had died. All is back to normal and going well now.
New Tank And Fish

I've had the tank about 3 months and did cycle it for 6 weeks befor adding any fish. the filter is and Eheim Professional 3 and the lighting is an Aquarium Deluxe Series Double Linear Strip Freshwater Aqualight 192 watts. That angel did not make it as the nitrites were high from one of the plants that had died. All is back to normal and going well now.

Thanks for all of the advise and sorry for the delay. It's taking me a bit to get used to the forum!! A bit computer challenged!!
QT the angel, and use maracyn and maracyn two as directed. If you dont like meds, aquarium salt, 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons of water, until everything heals.
New Tank And Fish

I've had the tank about 3 months and did cycle it for 6 weeks befor adding any fish. the filter is and Eheim Professional 3 and the lighting is an Aquarium Deluxe Series Double Linear Strip Freshwater Aqualight 192 watts. That angel did not make it as the nitrites were high from one of the plants that had died. All is back to normal and going well now.

Thanks for the advise and sorry for the delay in response. It's taken me a bit to navigate the forum. A bit computer challenged!!:silly:
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