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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 29, 2004
As some of you may know, I just got my tank today and set it up. The heater that came with it (100 watt) doesnt look like its doing anything. The light is on, but I have it jacked up to heat it to like 89 degrees. If I turn it down to 72-75 the light never comes on like it isnt doing anything. Any thoughts on that?

Also, as I have only just put the water in this tank today for the first time and am letting it filter before I add any fish, I am noticing air bubbles all over the glass on on the plants, etc. Is this normal? AND, there is dust from the substrate I put in (black) all over the plants leaves. I washed the gravel with cold water for like 20 minutes before I put it in the tank and STILL there is dust...LOL. Anyway to get that off of there? It isnt murking up the water - yet - but I dont want it to either. Any suggestions/answers to these questions?
The heater might take a day or two to get the water up to temp - so just wait. Check it frequently, as the temp of the water might not necessarily be the temp you set the unit to - at least that is the case with me. I have to adjust it for a day or two to get it where I want it.

The dust will settle, that is normal - don't worry about it. Just brush the dust off the leaves.

Bubbles are also normal and will dissipate.
Tankgirl, your education was worth every penny, you know that? THANK YOU!
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