New Tank Thoughts

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 31, 2012
So I'm trying to buy either two 20's or two 10's from CL and I have a couple of questions for y'all!
Considering doing one of the tanks brackish and placing a Figure 8 into it. If I do - will I need more equipment than the usual filter/heater/hood?
Also can I add some beneficial bacteria from an existing FW tank to a brackish???
I've seen lots of diff info regarding the figure 8 and have seen that they may require more than 10gals so would a 20gal with a 30g filter be okay?
If I do get the 10gals - could I do a figure 8 still? And if not, are dwarf puffers just as amusing/personable?
Also - do the puffers require high PH?
I'm sure as answers come in I will have more questions but this is all for now.
Oh geezer - is there a way to move this to the brackish Section?
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