New tank with tiger barbs

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 28, 2012
Hi I'm new to this forum and looking for some advice if possible.

I purchased my first tank a few weeks back and performed a fishless cycle for a few weeks. Bought my first fish a week ago and the guy in the shop recomended two very small tiger bards and two rummy nose tetras. Unfotunately the tetras only lasted two days not sure exactly why. Maybe just because it's a new tank.

After this the two barbs have seemed ok but all of a sudden the slightly larger barb is attacking the smaller one which has now lost it's colour and looks like it has a damaged fin. The barbs are very small probably just over 1cm. My question is should I add more tiger barbs to stop this happening and should they be exactly the same type or will a mix of tiger barbs be ok? was thinking possibly a few albino tiger barbs

Appreciate any advice
Welcome to AA! :)

Rummynose are notoriously weak, it's hard to find good stock so I doubt it is anything "wrong". What size tank do you have? Barbs are schoaling fish and constantly have a pecking order. With only two in the tank this aggression will be focused. Depending on the size of your tank (Tigers get larger than often thought), I'd recommend adding more. Gradually. On a side note, you can mix the various colors (green, albino, regular). They are the same species and they don't know the difference. :)
Thanks very much for the reply

The tank is only small it's 6 gallons which now I read more about the tiger barbs i believe the guy in the fish shop may have recommended the wrong fish. Like I said though the barbs are currently very small but likely to grow.

Was hoping just for around 6-8 small fish but a variance in species

If it's a major problem I know people with larger tanks who should be able to re home the barbs
I agree. Sadly, a 6G is far too small for barbs and you received very bad advice. Shrimp, nano fish, a betta, or a few other more "advanced"/harder to find fish would be the only responsible options for a tank that size IMO.
HN1 said:
I agree. Sadly, a 6G is far too small for barbs and you received very bad advice. Shrimp, nano fish, a betta, or a few other more "advanced"/harder to find fish would be the only responsible options for a tank that size IMO.

Ok thanks for the advice I will re home the barbs and start again

I'm sure I'll have plenty more questions soon
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