New tank woes/rant

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 12, 2003
Davis CA
So, is it just required that any new tank will cost 3x what you planned on spending?! I'm still reeling at what I spent this weekend setting up my 25gal tank...including the emergency run to Petco at 8:30pm to get a new HOB filter when I found out the used one I'd been given was leaking! I'm just now getting to the point where I'm enjoying the tank more than dreading it (as in: What have I gotten myself into?! And how much more will it cost me?!). What in the world do you guys with bigger tanks go through?! It really is much more fun to watch a 25 gal tank rather than the little 5gal and 6gal!

I actually did have some questions... My current tank population is:
4 balloon mollys
5 blue tetra
2 zebra danios (probably permanently stunted from improper care when I first got them. :oops: )
4 corys
1 pleco
Is there room for a few hatchet fish? I do have an air pump, so I can add some more oxygenating power if needed.

Also, the tank looks embarrassingly bare because all the decorations are under 10". Is there a cheap way to get some tall decorations? I was thinking of tall plastic plants, but all the extra tall ornaments I've looked at are insanely expensive, like $40 and up.

Lastly, would a background help reflect some of the light back into the tank for the plants? I think it would bring out the aqua of the gravel, too, but I've never used a background. I certainly don't think the fish would care either way.

"Also, the tank looks embarrassingly bare because all the decorations are under 10". Is there a cheap way to get some tall decorations?"

Take the small decorations, pull the half the stems off from the bottom, and zip tie them to the top :p
I like dark backgrounds--they make the fish "pop!"
I use the extra large and giant fake plants. I think they look great and the fish do use them. I just bought a huge ornament--18.5" long by 11" high. I found it on . This was the cheapest place I found the ornament (I saved over $20 USD over big name pet stores) and they shipped to Canada :D
The other place to try is ebay. You may end up with used ornaments, but the fish won't care :wink:
I'm not sure if you have room for more fish, but with a good HOB, you shouldn't need more aeration.

The great thing about tanks is once the set up is done, you are done watching your money flow away (except in emergencies :x). And I keep setting up more tanks!
Check out the DIY sections of the website. I love the entries on the homemade caves... I was able to set up two seperate tanks for under $15 total! Including the 3 tubes of aquarium sealant! I have seen where a friend took a couple of platforms (meant for turtles who need to breathe) that suction-cup to the glass, then he planted them. very cool looking :eek:
Or you could take driftwood and glue them into a tall structure for background and hidey-holes. Just make sure it can be secured! Like a few suctions cup glued onto the back. (What is it with me and suction cups? sigh :roll: )

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