New tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 28, 2005
Okinawa Japan
hi everyone im kinda new to AA and i was just wondering if i could have your suggestions on this new tank ive been looking at. i live overseas for military reasons (japan). the items in at my lfs are obviusly going to be in japanese but its basically just tetra stuff just converted to japanese. but anyway theres a tank there for 17800 yen which is about 180 dollars. its a 90cm x 45cm x 45cm tank that comes with a 32w light and a canister filter. i was wondering if this is a good deal and if canister filters are good in general. thanks for any comments or suggestions!
its basically a tank with a 40g breeder's footprint (36*18*18 in). i bought mine for about $100. canisters for a 40g (say a fluval 304) would run from $70+ online. and the single strip would cost anywhere from $20+ (very rough estimate)...
so i think it's a pretty good deal. go for it...
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