New to aquariums 10gallon tank

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lg310 said:
Thinking ahead is there any good bottom feeders besides ghost shrimp i can have in the tank

Not really. Any shrimp (other than filter feeders) and snails will work and MAYBE two ottos once the tank is established (6 months +). Ottos are hit and miss in smaller tanks though. They can be hard to feed because most are wild caught and only eat algae (that's why and established tank is needed).
lg310 said:
Would they eat algae waffers they sell at the pet store

Some do and some don't. They can be very fussy. Some have had success with cucumber.

You know you don't NEED an algae eater in a tank. A healthy well balanced tank won't have very much algae at all.
Ok i did a water change and after waited 15and tested water should i wait longer?
Results after 15minutes
ph 7.4
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 1-2
Nitrate 10
lg310 said:
Ok i did a water change and after waited 15and tested water should i wait longer?
Results after 15minutes
ph 7.4
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 1-2
Nitrate 10

15 mins is long enough to let the water circulate. The nitrite is too high. You will need to do 1-3 more 50% water changes to bring it down to .25ppm.
Your cycle seems to be coming along well!
lg310 said:
Ok I was also going to ask can I use bottled water to fill tank?

Spring water yes. Distilled or ro/di no. Reason being the distilled doesn't contain any mineral/buffers to keep the pH stable, the fish healthy, the plants growing and the BB functioning. If your going to change your water source do it slowly. If you do it all at once it will change the pH and other things like kh and Gh to name a few too fast and stress your guppy.
lg310 said:
Ok woke up this morning and my tank looks cloudy got close to it and there's like stuff stuck to the glass

Cloudy white water is a bacteria bloom and brown 'dust' on glass, plants, etc is diatoms. Both perfectly normal in a new tank and both will go away with time. They are an eyesore but won't hurt anything.
Cool it seems to be floating on top too ok tested water
Ph 7.4
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate was also 0 :(

Did i do something wrong ogle why did my nitrate also 0
Yesterday i did a six gal change because the nitrite was high after a 5gal so i did an extra gallon for a total of six gallons. Ammonia and nitrite are zero. What do i do now?
lg310 said:
Yesterday i did a six gal change because the nitrite was high after a 5gal so i did an extra gallon for a total of six gallons. Ammonia and nitrite are zero. What do i do now?

Test again in the morning. The large change probably removed everything (which is ok!) and it needs it build to readable levels again before you see it. There will be ammonia there just a tiny but from your tiny fish :D
So is this pretty much going to start all over? I have to worry about nitrite again and ammonia? Or will it resume where it was.
lg310 said:
So is this pretty much going to start all over? I have to worry about nitrite again and ammonia? Or will it resume where it was.

It won't start over. But we won't know until you get your readings tomorrow where it's up to. You might till be in the nitrite spike IMO.
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