New to this form need info on surgeonfish and tangs?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 29, 2003
hi Im new to this forum I have kept triggerfish, lionfish, an eel, and puffers. I have tried to keep a clown tang or lined surgeonfish. He died after I had him for about a week. I been told they are extremely susptible to ich and lateral line disease what is the best way to prevent this with these fish? I've heard about UV sterilizers, but the ones I have seen are expensive, are there any other methods that are good?
Good quality water with a good balanced diet of greens and occasional meaty foods, as stress free enviorment as possible (ie not kept with agressive fish) and a grounding probe.

Oh also making sure your tank is not to small.

I dont know to much about the specific tang you mentioned but I can check in some of my books later if I get a chance.
we tried to keep one of them and it died to . we couldn't get it to eat. :(
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