New Year 2022 tank/fish thoughts

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Apr 4, 2012
Northern Colorado, USA
So being a new year, although I personally wouldn't call these resolutions for my self, but, what are your plans for your aquatic hobby in 2022?

For you, these could be goals, plans or resolutions!!! Let's hear what's up

And if you are seeing or liking any trends in "aquarium" pets, fish, tanks, hobby, technology, etc??

My thoughts are, since for me it didn't happen in 2021, still needing to downsize and make my large SW tank a nano.

In moving my tanks to a new location last year, I have had tons of algae issues since. I will be working on that.

Also getting rid of the 50G SW tank I have and rehoming empty tanks I do not use, and consolidating 10 years worth of clutter, and finding more than half of it a new home. I am in the middle of a project of getting it gathered and picking what I will need to use this year and back up stuff but move the rest out. Declutter the fish stuff so I can get to what I need more simply.

One friend mentioned how they have most everything monitored with a controller and that seems cool for ONE tank, but I have several.

Perpetually on my to do list is create a automatic water change system for my 72G.

As for trends, my favorite tank creature being shrimp/ inverts, I plan to look into a crab, or pair for my never yet scaped ZooMed 4G Paudarium been sitting in my garage for 2 years. A family member had intended to create something but just couldn't fit it into their life, so, back to me! Addition to the garden room coming in a few months, hoping by mid year to have it going.

Please share what you're going to be doing!
Im going to get my first betta. Got my eye on a little tank, found a spot in the dining room. Ill let wifey pick out the betta.
Today I did a 30% water change on both my 29 gallon tanks(both have 1 oranda in them) still cycling my 55 gallon which the 2 oranda will be becoming roommates in when it's ready.. looking to eventually get a third oranda I think 3 will do fine in a 55
My 2 SW fish passed when I was unexpectedly gone for 6 weeks. The tank was receiving food but evidently the difficulty of adding RO water and not getting pwc's was an issue. I don't really know for sure.

My possible crab tank would maybe these

or the similar

For me right now, I have outside responsibilities where I can't really set up any tanks right now. Maybe in a few months.

Getting ready to break down the 50G SW tank in the next couple weeks. Was hoping to get it sold first. But its messy right now so need to clean it up.

Kinda on track though.
Did you (erm, wifey) find a Betta?
Actually no. The tank i was looking at isnt in stock and they dont know when they are going to get more in. Im looking at other tank options or possibly online.

However given our energy bills are expected to increase 5x when our fixed rate deal ends next year im not sure keeping more fish is the responsible thing to do with our money. I was in the LFS yesterday and overheard 1 guy talking to one of the store assistants. They are both planning on giving up the hobby because of it. The customer was there planning starting to sell his fish back to the store, i think he had an extensive collection.
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