newbie,7gal SW bow tank setup. help~!!!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 22, 2003
hey there everyone. im so glad i found this site. i never knew there was a forum for fish people like me. hahaha, but anyways...i have a 7gal bow tank,i have a whisper 10 filter running and another small powerhead. my tank has been cycling for about 5 weeks now with LR. i have 2 damsels in there,but one died 2 days ago. and my water got cloudy all of a sudden. i want to make my tank strictly for clownfishs and a sum bubble anenomes and shrimps.i was thinking about 4 baby clowns would be good. far am i on the ryte track??? should i buy the anenome first or the clowns first?? and my water temp. seems to always be at 82-85 is that too hot?? how do i get rid of the cloudy water??? well thats it for now. thanks ahead of tyme for any replies. much appreciated~!!!
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