Newbie Introduction

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Betty J

Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 4, 2019
Lumber Bridge, NC
Hello all, my name is Betty. I currently have two tanks; a 20 gallon long with tropical fish and a 55 gallon long with Oranda Goldfish. I have had aquariums for many years, but recently just had the time to delve into this wonderful "lifestyle" in the last two years, as I have FINALLY retired from everyday employment. My husband and I moved from Maryland to North Carolina a little over 2 years ago. Aside from the hurricane activity in this part of the country, we love it here. There have been challenges, and also opportunities to grow in the fish keeping hobby. I have made many mistakes, but have learned from them. I recently learned how to make my own goldfish food, as one on my "babies" has a propensity towards swim bladder issues. I just recently switched them from the flakes/pellets, and they are still trying to get the hang of the gel food. I hope to be able to eventually train them to accept hand feeding.

I look forward to learning all I can from you all! Have a good day!
Hello Betty...

Good for you on your retirement! This is my last year too. I'll be leaving my place of employment after 33 years. My wife has been retired for a couple of years and is loving it. She's a bird keeper and I've had my fish tanks for many years. Now, I can really get into the "water keeping" hobby full time. I have a large 300 gallon and a small 29 and everything in between. Goldfish are my current favorites and I'm working on the challenge of keeping them with some cooler water tropicals.

Have fun and we'll talk sometime,

Hello all, my name is Betty. I currently have two tanks; a 20 gallon long with tropical fish and a 55 gallon long with Oranda Goldfish. I have had aquariums for many years, but recently just had the time to delve into this wonderful "lifestyle" in the last two years, as I have FINALLY retired from everyday employment. My husband and I moved from Maryland to North Carolina a little over 2 years ago. Aside from the hurricane activity in this part of the country, we love it here. There have been challenges, and also opportunities to grow in the fish keeping hobby. I have made many mistakes, but have learned from them. I recently learned how to make my own goldfish food, as one on my "babies" has a propensity towards swim bladder issues. I just recently switched them from the flakes/pellets, and they are still trying to get the hang of the gel food. I hope to be able to eventually train them to accept hand feeding.

I look forward to learning all I can from you all! Have a good day!
This has got to be about the best hobby for us retirees ~ I'm new to the forum too.
Looking forward to hearing more from you & hope Dorian passes you right by.
Ciao, BP

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