Newbie questions

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 3, 2003
Lewisville Texas
hey all.. first post, long lurker... i currently have a 10 gal nanoreef.. got my water and sand from a well established setup. have 10 pounds of lr. as far as critters go.. i have a brittlestar, 1 green emerald crab, 1 sally lightfoot, and 2 blue legged hermits, and 1 peppermint shrimp. 5" sand bed and seaclone 120 ps. and the usual power heads..

now the questions.. am i ok with this set up?.. amonia is good.. can't give specific water parameters atm ... friend has the kit for the next few days. =( but water has been checked on regular basis and no deaths or stress.

how much more lr can the tank withstand? and same for critters. was thinking of an anmone and some corals down the road.. but not till i get proper lighting. what would you suggest to get for a healthy tank?

thanks in advance.
Welcome to AA :D Setup looks good to me. Most suggest 1-1.5lbs of LR per gallon. You can never have too much LR though. Just make sure to keep checking water parameters on a regular basis especially during the early period of setting up a tank.
Since the tank is already established you should also re-cure any additional rock you wish to add seperately to avoid water quality issues. With the inverts you've listed and the small water volume they will not fair well if/when the water quality degrades from LR that may not be properly cured. This acticle should help with that... Curing Live Rock? I didn't even know it was sick!!

Corals are a great addition to a nano but as you said once the lights are upgraded. Be mindful of stinging corals and other toxic soft corals that may not be desirable in a small tank. As for the anemone, skip it completely. A 10 gal tank does not have sufficient water volume to properly support an anemone and should not be attempted.

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