Newbie To Salt Water Aquariums

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:rolleyes:Ah IC.... Now what if I get some base rock to start someone was talking about seeding the rock? How would I got about doing that? Sorry I have tons of Questions....
Base rock will come dry and pretty much white (with little to no coraline algae), you seed that with rock that has the coraline on it, like cured LR should have.
AH... IC So really doesn't make a difference if you buy live or base cause you still have to buy a LR to seed the base.......
Well, you can seed a lot of base with a little LR. 75% base and 25% LR should do the trick.
Base rock tends to be a lot cheaper.
Do i have the Filtration running while my tank is in it cycling or should i do it after cycling is done....??? I purchase the Fluval 405 and I also Purchase a Protein Skimmer. I know I was told to just have a Skimmer and lighting and Live Rock as filtration but it's my first time having a SW tank and I don't want anything to go wrong with it and I know there's a lot to learn but I like to have Crystal Clear Tanks especially when I had my FW tanks. But let me know if having the filtration running while cycling will effect the cycling process...

The fluval should be up and running without chemical media. You can run the skimmer if you want, but I prefer to have it off until the cycle has ended since I usually notice an impedance of the cycle otherwise. Either route it won't have any negative long-term affects on your system.
Ok.... So run the Fluval without any media? Why is that? Should the media be in there or will that effect the nitrite and nitrate and ammonia reading?
Run the fluval with the filter pads, no bioballs or other biological media, and no chemical. The live rock will be your main biological filter and any chemical media may inhibit thorough cycling.
I had a Fluval 304 on my 55 Reef tank and it was amazing!!! I have now a 305 and its practically the same thing. So I wouldnt agree with the 04 series to be junk. You can always go Wet/Dry those to me are the best for Reef setups. But it depends on the budget. You can find them for relatively cheap, and they are cheaper to maintence. There is tutorials on how to build your own wet/dry setup very very easy!!
The 05s are easier to open than the 04s, but the 04s are just as good.
I would take out the sponges and fill up at least 1 of the trays with rock rubble. On my 04, I run it with 2 trays of rubble and leave the last one for filter media, if I need it (I generally run purigen in mine).
All good advice.... I really appreciate it.... But I think I'm not going to do Coral after all... I just want it simple for now.... Just LR and LS I will add Coral more in the future... When I learn more about SW environment.... I know there will be failure and death to fish and coral, but I don't want kill any fish or marine life it's bad enough our reefs are dieing out in our world I just want to make sure I learn more about the process.....

Do I need to still use my Skimmer if I'm just going to do FOWLR or should I still use for the LR?
If you have enough cured LR and a cup of sand from an established tank, you can skip the cycle.
About 1.5-2 Lbs of fully cured LR, use a cup or two of sand on top of your already existing sand. Make sure to keep the LR either underwater or wrapped in wet newspaper (if the trip from your LFS isn't that far).
Alright I finally got my test kit in yesterday.... Just want to know could I start my SW tank without LS and LR could I add that later if possible? Whats the difference is I star it with LR and LS and without? Let me know what's better....

IMO, its better to start with the sand and rock now so you dont a cycle later and possibly kill your fish.
Its been almost four years since our 75 has been setup and I started like you did, My advice to you is dont rush you will end up very frustrated.

I started with a 75 gallon tank, 2 emporer filters and a cheap skimmer sand and live rock, Now I just have the 75,sand and live rock and a Octopus skimmer,The live rock will do the filtering for you if you have enough and do your homework it will cost you less in the long run... Now I have a bunch of useless equipment and wishing I would have listened to the seasoned reefers... For the lighting I have a t5 unit and Im very happy with it.
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